Business mind. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

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Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

Give your best

Seek that feeling of accomplishment

Push yourself to give your best. Make sure at the end of the day, as you go to sleep, that you feel proud of the work you did. Life is really about nurturing this feeling. It took me a long time to truly understand this, but it is real because all that really matters is how you feel about your work.

Knowing that you are giving your best in your creative process, in your career, in your job, in your relationship, and in whatever it is. Even if things do not go as you planned, just having that safety and accomplished feeling inside you knowing that you did your best. This is what we all want.

Just do your best and let the rest go

So, please, do not let yourself be troubled if life is tough right now, or if nothing seems to be working at the moment. Keep pushing, but do it always giving your best and knowing that you are confident in yourself. Let all overthinking, overanalyzing and judging go.

Don’t allow yourself to be full of doubts and fears, just make sure you are certain you did your best. Doing your best builds a strong character. Doing your best speaks of your self-discipline and professionalism. And this, with patience, leads to great life success in general.


Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Poetry and prose from the heart. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Now FREE in more countries…

The epic book series

I started this book series to bring some entertainment, but also bring some insights and moral guidance to myself and to the reader. I always liked the worlds of ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Percy Jackson,’ so I wanted to write in the same narrative and adventure style.

But also I wanted to join it with the world of spirituality and human goodness. We all have moral values in us and the strength to act on them, even if sometimes the struggle in life clouds our judgement. So, I know you will enjoy this book, as it brings some needed adventure and insight into daily life.

More countries – Seek yours FREE

And in just a few weeks the response in downloads from Amazon US has been really good, so I got these Amazon countries to join US and perma-free my book. Please click the button below for yours:


Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

The Light of Pure Love.

Loving with purity

You only get hurt when the way you love has attachment. Pure love has no attachment. To love with this purity, you must first love yourself above everybody and anything else. Pure love then only exists when there is higher understanding in you.

An understanding that the very existence of pure love in your life is only created by you, strengthened by you, and sanctified by you. The world suffers from lack of this higher understanding. Don’t join the world. Live in it, but don’t join it.

Problems when loving yourself

Our love is not pure, not true, non-existent, when we allow our minds to become overwhelmed by the world around us. If something bad happens, the mind is allowed to suffer for it, via self-pity, via anger and frustration. This distorts love and it shifts our attention to the illusion, and the illusion is what is out there. What matters is what is inside you, because how you feel is what’s real.

Feeling better

The journey is about self-discovery. Self-discovery cannot exist without our complete attention. So, we have to let go of what happens in the world, in our lives, the suffering, the childhood traumas, etc; and then we can focus 100% on how we feel, on working on feeling better, on self-discovery and healing. Once we do this, we can start to accept and love ourselves.

The habits

There is nothing more important than accepting and loving ourselves. This is not being selfish, but this is about filling yourself with empathy, kindness, love, in order to live a more positive, happy, successful life while giving the example to others. And for this, we must work on self-healing habits. Habits which make us feel proud of ourselves, joyful, and of great value to us.

I only seek the magic that’s within me.  While most grow up and forget, I just desire to remember it again.

And if you seek a coming-of-age story that brings fantasy and insight, gods and demons, and more, then you will absolutely enjoy this read  👇


Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

The mind of good & evil.

Forces of evil

So, what do you consider forces of evil…?? What makes a person become swallowed by negativity, by feelings of worthlessness, by violent and hurtful memories and ideas in the present?? What makes a human being do anything??

Our minds. Nothing lives outside our minds. This is not spiritual. This is science. My mind can become filled with anxiety, thoughts of fear, anger, past memories that make me feel worthless. And this, of course, makes me act out and hurt myself and others–physical and/or emotional damage. I would do anything to get rid of the pain I carry.

Forces of good

So, I think is very important to be honest with ourselves. There are pressures in society. Bullying. Paying bills. Abuse. Words that hurt. Injustice. They will always exist in the world, and it won’t change. So, the truth is, what matters is the state of your mind, what you can control. Don’t let the world, your society, your friends and family overwhelm you and control the way you feel.

It is why creativity liberates us. Creativity being born from great imagination. It is the force of good that gives us the capacity to have inspiring ideas to leave the anger we feel, and the strength to find solutions to our troubles, and the power to communicate better the way we feel. Ben is learning this. Who is Ben?? A 12-year-old orphan boy. But, just like us, he feels all these burdens, confusions, darkness, and the desire to burn it all.

Meet Ben in the 1st one of his adventures, in “The Call of The Shaman.” Right now FREE to download:

And I like to present the new installment, now for pre-order. This is #3 in the series, “The Book of 1st Witchcraft.”

ONLY $0.99


Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Self-expression, the only Art.

Art is self-expression. To me, it is the most important thing in life. Because better communication requires the capacity for self-expression. Better choices in life require expressive thoughts, and that is thinking that can be creative and hopeful, visionary and confident in what can be built in the future.

Tips for self-expression:

1- My first and biggest tip would be to always be open to trying new things, new conversations, new habits. Learn new beliefs, even if they seem uncomfortable to you. Expand your understanding and leave any attachment to old views and ways of seeing the world.

2- A second tip would be to read and also watch movies. But read and watch inspiring things, and specially fantastical things. Such are stories or things that can really make you envision and create new thoughts, maybe even silly or unreal thoughts. It’s all about remembering the child’s creative mind again. I find that fantasy mainly does that for me.

My art:

I found self-expression in my artform, writing for my readers, because to have your own outlet to transform your frustration and anxiety into something useful is what it’s all about. I recommend you find your passion, commit to it, work at it daily; and whatever that passion is must make you more expressive and give you more freedom.

An example of my wring follows. This is a coming-of-age fantasy series. Middle grade/Young adult. This is #3 in the series BENJAMIN JONES. Coming May 31st 2022. This one is titled: “The Book of 1st Witchcraft.”

“So, under the guidance of Aldorf, they brought the casket, or magical box keeping Ben’s body, to The Place of Zaronn, or to the place of the elders.  And this wasn’t a place to bury the dead, but this was their most sacred place… 

“This was atop the other side of the enormous mountain, and it was a vast extension where their elders communicated with gods from different dimensions. This was indeed a divine oracle of sorts, and there were temples or places of holy meditation, and there were glowing trees spread throughout, and also thick pillars engraved with messages from the gods in different languages… 

“And so it happened that the snow wasn’t falling anymore, and in fact it was like it never had fallen because the soil on the mountain was dry and rid of any frost whatsoever. And as the strong orcs carried the magical casket on their shoulders, suddenly so, it started to quake violently on its own…

“And one of the creatures was hurt on his shoulder due to it, and the box thus was dropped on the hallowed ground.  SCRAATT!—  But, even though it had been thrown from more than 6 feet in height by brute reaction, the said box did not break or even suffer a mere scratch…” 

I started this book series to bring some entertainment, but also bring some insights and moral guidance to myself and to the reader. I always liked the worlds of ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Percy Jackson,’ so I wanted to write in the same narrative and adventure style.

If you’re interested in the series, you can find it on my website Right now #1 in the series, “The Call of The shaman” is free to download on Amazon, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble.

COMING MAY 31st, #3 in the series,


Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Poetry and prose from the heart. Stories to ponder.

Free coming-of-age fantasy…

“Ben took a  few  steps  forward,  acknowledged  the  animated  group  of  trees,  and  then  said,  “Thank  you!  What  I  meant  was,  how  is  it  possible  that  you  can  talk?!”

     “What  do  you  mean??  You  can  talk!  Why  couldn’t  we?!”  protested  the  willow  tree.  

     When  he  said  this,  everybody  began  talking  again.  The  mumbling  of  words  filled  the  night’s  air.  Then  the  ancient  tree  on the other side spoke  to  Ben  again,  “Come  near  me,  son.  What’s  your  name…??”

     Ben  approached  the  tree  with  a  quiet  ease  now.  “My  name  is  Benjamin.  You  can  call  me  Ben.”

     An  intimation  of  memories  rushed.  “Benjamin.  Benjamin…  Yes.  I  have  seen  your  face  before.  And  that  name  sounds  familiar  too.”  His  voice  sounded  more  pleasant  now,  as  if  talking  to  an  old  friend… ” ~ The Call of the shaman.

This was a section of the #1 in the epic series BENJAMIN JONES.

I started this book series to bring some entertainment, but also bring some insights and moral guidance to myself and to the reader. I always liked the worlds of ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Percy Jackson,’ so I wanted to write in the same narrative and adventure style.

But also I wanted to join it with the world of spirituality and human goodness. We all have moral values in us and the strength to act on them, even if sometimes the struggle in life clouds our judgement. So, I know readers will enjoy this book, as it brings some needed adventure and insight into daily life.

And that’s why I made a serious effort with these following retailers to offer the book for FREE.

All I ask is that you support me by posting a brief review on Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, or your blog if you have one.

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Business mind. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Society & Virtues.

Societies are for profit. That is, for political profit, religious profit, financial profit, idealistic or romantic profit, and so on and so forth. Political profit is about power and wealth. Religious profit is about keeping man confused and subservient. Financial profit is about exploiting, allocating, as well as manipulating mankind’s resources. Idealistic or romantic profit is about influencing ideas and the biological proliferation of the masses. Knowing this, you judge as you please.

There is no right or wrong here. These are just the businesses of society that most people ignore, especially when it comes to religion, as nobody sees it as just another business transaction. And none of these promotes actual virtues in the human creature, as the religious person has no problem whatsoever supporting wars, and supporting the killing of animals through eating them, and supporting other immoral stupidities. And what about romantics??

They love to talk poetically and seek that dream of the perfect person for them, but they also love obsession and hate and becoming aggressive; and all in the name of love. Religion says, “Give me your obedience and your emptiness. I’ll give you heaven and an identity with the rest of my followers.” Politics says, “Give me your vote and faith. I’ll give you honest leadership and hope to look forward to a better future.”

Can you see the business transaction here…?? Don’t overthink it, but just realize the fact. Romance says, “Give me your sincerity of heart and full attention. I’ll give you the cure for your loneliness and the fulfillment of your dreams (self-satisfaction).” Finance says, “Everything is me. Seek me as the greatest commodity. I’ll give you freedom and self-worth.”

Of course, these are just promising illusions, or the promise of fulfillment as something that can give you access to inner values. So, what happens?? People seek all these wi…

Learn more by clicking the image below please:

Book reviews Stories to ponder.

Wizard. Goblin. Magic book.

…The targoblin tried running from it, even in desperation; but it was impossible, since the ball of light would dash through the air and get in his path. He was running futilely, and the ball even displayed cunning personality by moving in and out of his way as if mocking him. At this, Arleas cursed, pitched forward, and tumbled down dragging himself through the mud.

Ben came running and stopped right by the magic sphere hovering at eye level. And Ben was amazed, gazing into the ball and analyzing it. “Blazes.  What are  you??” Then he grabbed it and kept contemplating  it with sheer curiosity.  

“You have advanced sorcery, creature,” Elradon said as he tapped his head with his staff and created a glowing helmet and band to neutralize him. “That will keep you from more mischief.”

“Aarrgh!” snarled the targoblin named Arleas. “Free me at once, you foolish and broken-down geezer!”

Then he tapped his mouth and glued it shut, “There! You shall not spew more drivel.”

And as the mystic magically handcuffed him again, Ben pulled him up and added, “But his hands! They were tied. How was he able to use magic to escape?!”

“Well, he’s not just any targoblin. I can see that now,” the wizard explained while helping Ben drag Arleas back to camp. “Most can only do magic by the use of their hands. This is the lowest sorcery. But advanced sorcery requires the use of mental images and words. This seems to be his level.”

The pixies had all gone to sleep, but there was a young one who still went about the ball of light and wanted to play. At this, Ben waited till she hovered motionless in the air, then he gently seized her wings and said,  “It’s too late. We’re all going to sleep now.” Then he let her go, and the little fairy gave him a grumpy look. And Ben continued, “Don’t look at me like that. Go to sleep… Well, go on!”

And so, while they walked back to the campsite under the magical glow of the krugs, the mysterious and batlike glowing creatures, Ben continued asking questions about this great magic to Elradon. And it was so that Benjamin Jones was learning much by his side. From an inanimate rock, with the aid of the great book of magic and the great wizard, he’d created a self-aware and sentient ball of light.

And Benjamin thus wondered if he himself was entering the level of advanced magician, and that made him even more curious about what he was truly becoming. But the questions came quickly to a stop, because they needed rest. That night then, Elradon made the targoblin fall under deep sleep… 

You just read “The Book of 1st Witchcraft.” #3 in the BENJAMIN JONES series. Coming soon. I’m currently on the last edit.

Meanwhile, feel free to browse through my website.

-Thanks for reading-

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

FREE: You, Relationships, Life.


Why do you do things…??  Anything, any experience, any behavior you consciously or subconsciously choose to have, any activity created by this human society.  Why??  Why indeed?? Your behaviors have always a purpose, whether you are conscious of it or not… 

“You have been programmed since birth to attach a purpose behind every behavior you express.  You pursue something all the time.  What is it…?? It is the very thrill of the chase what keeps you going.  You know that, right??…

“It is the very thrill of the chase what keeps you wanting to live your life, to exist physically.  So what is that thrill??  Let us carefully ponder this: you wake up, go to the kitchen, choose a breakfast you like; but not necessarily because it’s healthy.  Then go to work, whether you like what you do or not…

“Later you choose a place for eating lunch, have a conversation and some fun with co-workers.  Keep on working.  You smile at the boss and tell him something  nice, even though he is repulsive to you.  So perhaps you curse the hell out of your boss in your head, just to release that frustration…

“Then you go on a date and act charmingly to be liked, have good fun. Or maybe just stay home, make your plans for the next day, work on your short-term or long-term goals, think about your future, deal with family, etc etc.  Why…?? Why do you do this??…” 

Thanks for reading.

This has been a section of Chapter 1 from my nonfiction, self-help book, “I ALWAYS LOVED YOU. – Creatures of Eternal Love.”

This is a highly spiritual and psychological approach to the very depths of our minds. It’s about freedom from our habitual patterns to increase self-esteem and reach the greatest confidence and value in us. Most people let themselves believe less of themselves, they fall into frustration and jealousy easily, they even end up hating themselves and their lives.

This leads to addictions, which is a subconscious pattern of the mind that affects the addict without their knowledge, but also it affects the ones around him through his relationships. But this is not a book about addiction per se, but a book about you and increasing your knowledge of yourself to increase the value in yourself. And it is about bringing success into your relationships.


Please click on the photo to find out more about the book:

Book reviews Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder.

The Dark Zones of The light…

     In  these  troubled  times,  his  planet  was  in  war  because  The  Lord  of  Darkness  and  his  demons  had  claimed  their  new  territories  there.  These  territories  were  called  ‘The  Dark  Zones  of  The  Light,’  because  now  the  planet  of  The  Illumined  Ones  was  under  darkness.  But,  sooner  or  later,  he  managed  to  locate  them,  and,  most  specifically,  locate  the  targoblin  he’d  sworn  to  himself  he’d  kill.

     But,  just  before  entering  the  campsite  where  the  targoblin  slept,  his  wise  master  appeared  from  out  of  the  shadows  of  the  night  and  stopped  him.  “If  you  go  ahead  and  kill  this  creature  out  of  anger,  feeding  your  ego  for  revenge,  then  you  will  lose  yourself  and  your  future  reincarnations  will  become  miserable,”  he  said  to  then  young  Elradon.

     As  he  calmed  down,  as  his  anger  vanished  and  he  understood,  they  retired  to  a  safe  place.  If  that  night  Elradon  would’ve  slain  the  demon  out  of  revenge,  then  his  mind  would’ve  fallen  into  the  abyss  of  darkness;  and  so,  his  consciousness  would’ve  never  carried  memories  to  his  next  reincarnation.  

Book #3 in the epic series. Coming soon…

Hi. My name is Asael (Asa) Rodriguez. I write fiction and nonfiction. But mainly I am focusing on fantasy right now. My series BENJAMIN JONES. It is about a 12-year-old orphan boy who seeks to find out about the mysterious death of his indigenous parents, but also about himself. The stories are about self-discovery and magic. Ben grows into the wisdom that we all carry magic and great love within us. We just have to discover it for ourselves.

In the stories, he also has to fight shadow creatures, necromancers, witches, etc. His journey of magic and self-discovery take him to many worlds, beginning from our world in the 1880s-1890s. He travels to other times as well. He meets friends and gods. The series just started. I am currently writing #3. If you check my website, you can find out more about it. Thanks.

And if you are interested in what others have to say about my book series, please check this professional book reviewer and blogger.

Thanks for reading.

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Through creative expression.

So, here’s why everyone should choose to do something highly personal and creative, something that comes from you and that represents you and your values. I have chosen writing books. For me, writing and creating characters, worlds, ideas, experiences, is all about self-expression. It is about freeing myself from my personal burdens and difficulties appearing in life. But it’s also, and most importantly, about finding myself through my writing, through my creative expression.

What is finding myself mean?? It means that I get to stop my anxiety, my worry, my desires, my daily thoughts, and focus on my mental health, on my mind expansion as self-awareness. Because life is about learning about yourself in depth. So, expressing yourself through something personal and creative, like writing books, or a blog, or painting, or other crafts, helps you get in touch with your deepest emotions; and subconsciously your mind learns to relax and be more introspective (thinking clearly before acting impulsively).

Hi. My name is Asael (Asa) Rodriguez. I write fiction and nonfiction. But mainly I am focusing on fantasy right now. My series BENJAMIN JONES. It is about a 12-year-old orphan boy who seeks to find out about the mysterious death of his indigenous parents, but also about himself. The stories are about self-discovery and magic. Ben grows into the wisdom that we all carry magic and great love within us. We just have to discover it for ourselves.

In the stories, he also has to fight shadow creatures, necromancers, witches, etc. His journey of magic and self-discovery take him to many worlds, beginning from our world in the 1880s-1890s. He travels to other times as well. He meets friends and gods. The series just started. I am currently writing #3. If you check my website, you can find out more about it. Thanks.

And if you are interested in what others have to say about my books, please check this professional book reviewer and blogger.

Book reviews Poetry and prose from the heart. Stories to ponder.

Through The Dead Lands…

“Soon afterwards then, at the potent sound of the bugle, the first battalion commenced leading the way. Jake rode his horse alongside his Sitchin generals and siren captains, and he had matured and carried much knowledge on his field so he was respect by them. But, being as young as he was, he didn’t have much practice on a horse; so he would sometimes ride and sometimes walk…

“These horses were extremely strong and resilient to the fog, and they wore almost weightless helmets and body wear with special features for warfare and safety. There were small biotech-land vehicles with the capacity to hover inches from the soil and run at very high speeds, and these 2-seat hovercrafts were driven by only the highest mages and tacticians…” ~ Through the dead lands, from ‘The Book of 1st Witchcraft.’ Coming soon…

That was a section from “The Book of 1st Witchcraft,” #3 in the epic series BENJAMION JONES.

And if you are into the ‘Harry Potter’, and also the ‘Percy Jackson’ novels, then you’ll enjoy this series about gods, demons, magic, and self-discovery.

We’re giving away FREE DOWNLOADS of #1 and #2 in the series BENJAMIN JONES. Click below to download yours now:

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Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

An inspired & motivated mind.

The strength to keep ourselves positive. The motivation to keep going even in the face of difficulties. The inspiration to lift ourselves and keep on dreaming and pursuing those dreams. Where do you get it?? What do you do to feel this accomplished in life??

I find that most of the time it is just there. The inspiration is just waiting to be discovered. In the little things, like in a pet, like in a song, like in a walk through the park, like in our family, like in happy memories. While the mind is concerned with the negative happening in our lives, we have anxiety and we miss the little things in life. While the mind is focused on winning and on being better, we bring tension into ourselves.

As a writer, it can get hectic and difficult to find motivation and inspiration, and even to find the time to write and give my undivided attention to what I’m creating. But so is life. The richness lies in these challenges of the day-to-day. And if we can remind ourselves of that, then we may just stop overthinking, step back and relax; then perhaps focus on the motivation and inspiration needed to continue and feel great while doing it.

All my books are about the magic of self-discovery, and the struggle we all face to find ourselves. Benjamin Jones is an orphan boy who is going through just that. And he will find out how much more he really is.

If you are into the ‘Harry Potter’, and also the ‘Percy Jackson’ novels, then you’ll enjoy this series about gods, demons, magic, and self-discovery.

You can choose to subscribe to my newsletter or not. Either way you can download #1 or #2 for FREE, or both, if you haven’t already.

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Business mind. Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

About life.

Sometimes we can feel sad, frustrated, disappointed. But being sad and seeing the unfairness in life is normal, because we all go through it, and because we are all trying to do our best with whatever understanding we have at such moment. But the challenge is to keep going in spite of feeling like this, and the key is nurturing yourself.

See, life is a projection of how you feel about yourself. We feel about life just the way we feel about ourselves. So then we can understand how important selfcare is. Tell yourself that things change and that adaptation to change is taking care of your mental health. If you don’t adapt to change, then you fight change; however, if you fight change then you will become stressed and more frustrated, even angry at yourself.

And if you are into the ‘Harry Potter’, and also the ‘Percy Jackson’ novels, then you’ll enjoy this series about gods, demons, magic, and self-discovery.

You can choose to subscribe to my newsletter or not. Either way you can read #1 and #2 for FREE, if you haven’t already.

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Business mind. Self-help life truths.

How you move on in life…

Life is always testing us, people, things, events, new situations. Really what it is, of course, is evolution, the way things happen, the path of evolving through this thing we call time. So, mistakes are made, no one is perfect; so we suffer, we act impulsively, and we may even adopt bias perspectives based on the frustration we feel when something goes wrong. This is being human. No biggie. One must learn that this is how things are, no matter how intelligent and mature and evolved you think you are. ‘Shit happens’ as they say, right??

But one secret is that life is not what happens around you, not the events, not the people who annoy you, not the dating or marriage situation, etc. No. Life is a feeling, each moment, in you. Life is about how you feel about what happens around you. This is very different. Pay attention. You may lose a loved one, or lose a job, or suffer discrimination, or bullying, or a thousand things. Terrible. Appalling. But you choose how to feel about those things. Obviously, being angry, frustrated, down on yourself, is normal; because this just happens to everybody at some point. That negative and dark feeling is what we all go through, at different levels, in different experiences; but we all live this, and it is up to each one of us to remain feeling like this, or wake up and choose to move on and feel better.

Obviously, choosing to move on is difficult. It took me years after my father died. So I am not telling you that is easy. It can be extremely challenging. But you know what it is?? The attachment to feeling like a victim, to feeling down, to living in what happened to us. This attachment must be removed at once from our daily mindset. That begins confidence. That removal of attachment, however difficult for you, is what brings you that empowerment, that self-confidence needed in life. And life indeed requires the confidence being born from you moving on and believing in yourself.

All those bad things happening in life, they ask constantly for strength from you; that’s inner strength, and that’s why removing attachment from the hurt is vital in life if you want to move on and be awesome. Now, being awesome, feeling great, no matter your past, is really nature, human nature. It is innate to each one of us. Really, it is. The problem, or challenge, is the mind and the attachment to the negative. This attachment gives you lack of belief in yourself. When you don’t believe in yourself is when you start thinking negatively, finding flaws in others, even hating yourself; and then you feel hurt and bothered by the world. And yes, is true. Politics, religion, racism, prejudice, greedy businesses, whatever. These can really disturb us, one way or another; however, we don’t have to let it, we can rise above it.

So, choose to feel better about yourself without giving attention to the world. This is how I do it. It is not being selfish. It is called Self-love, Self-care, and it is actually the true essence of love lacking in the lives of most people now-a-days. So, I focus on activities, habits, daily behaviors which bring me health and good, strong thinking, great self-awareness. I exercise. I meditate. I cook my meals and make sure I have plenty of fruits and vegetables every day. I take time for myself to write, to connect to myself and to find out how I really feel and think without the influence from my family, friends, TV, and society in general. I never follow thoughts or feelings without finding the truth with empathy and rationality, no matter who has said it.

When you do all this, patiently, faithfully, your attention shifts inwards and it leaves the world. So now you’re focused on you. And you gain confidence. And whatever happens around you seems petty now, because your energy is not focused on the outside but on the inside. And remember that life is not about the events happening around you, but it’s about how you feel about them. So if you focus on you and on feeling positive, you don’t really have time or desire to react impulsively to what happens around you. And then is easier to move on and move forward with great confidence and belief in yourself. Life only improves this way.

Thanks for reading. And now I want to tell you that right now you can get 1 epic adventure, or both, for free. Opt-in optional, which means you can choose to subscribe to my newsletter or not. Either way you can read #1 and #2 for free, if you haven’t already.

Epic fantasy series about a young orphan boy discovering himself, what he can accomplish, and his shamanic roots. It expands to gods, demons, witches, sorcerers, ancient aliens, etc. If you’re into ‘Harry Potter,’ and also into the ‘Percy Jackson’ novels, you’ll love these…

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder.

High fantasy. Work in progress. “The Book of 1st Witchcraft”

“Evolution. It’s all about evolving. Either you evolve for good, or you evolve for bad; but you evolve, and there is no escape from that. And for Ben, the human boy chosen by the gods, the next step into evolution, into a better evolution, was death. Pure and simple, death is not as dark and final as most people believe it is; and, deep in the corners of his subconscious, Benjamin Jones knew it very well…

“Thus he’d welcomed the call of the gods. But, as mentioned before, it happened that Aldorf knew; for he’d been visited by the gods, by the most pure and intense light, and by the greatest expression of love and bliss. Indeed he had been told of the wonderful things to come, and that is why he had waited for Ben on that mountain peak. Aldorf had been chosen to take part in Ben’s rebirth, and he was to do as he had been instructed…

“So, it occurred that a group of 4 strong dwarves took the body out of the house, with gentleness, with dignity, with sadness. And outside, in a coffin made out of burly tree roots, the most elegant wood and magical tree sap, Ben was carried by 2 very robust and tall orcs of good nature. And there was much weeping in the streets of the neighborhoods and in the marketplace, for everybody felt dearly for the boy whom they didn’t know…

“The boy who was now dead. The boy who was supposed to bring liberation from the rebellion and from demons. The hero half-human and half-god. This boy who had been chosen by the great gods of ancient Sumeria. And, inside the magical box, this boy was undergoing something incredible; but nobody really knew about this, because nobody really understood how blessed and special he was…”

That was a little section of #3 in the series, which I am currently writing. This chapter is called “The Place of Zaronn.” This tells of the death of Ben in The Mountain of Lamentation, where a spiritual community took him in and is now taking the dead boy to the sacred place of the gods for his resurrection. Hope you enjoyed that. It’s getting intense.

Now enjoy these book promotions by clicking on the buttons below. And thanks for reading.

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Attention and attraction.

What keeps you joyful in a relationship is not love. Love is always there, whether you like it or not; and you don’t have to really do anything to love and be loved. “Falling in love” and “Falling out of love” are just concepts from a society with no clue of what love is.

What keeps the joy and harmony in a relationship is attention and the formula of attraction. Why many relationships fail is due to losing attention to each other and, basically, not understanding the formula to grow attraction. Attention and attraction are created by the mind, which is why these are always the ones in charge.

The most important thing is to tame your mind, to teach it to focus on the affection and on the attractive traits. This will increase attention and attractiveness in your mind, and slowly this will transform any flaws and negative traits you see in the other. It’s all about the mind. Once you rule over your mind, then all is well.

Reading time. New adventures. New worlds. New characters.

Please enjoy these fiction and non-fiction book promos:

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

A story of self-discovery…

“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”

― Rumi

Everything and anything creative expands your mental capacities, which means it expands your awareness in life. Life, in all aspects of it, requires creativity. If you have problems in relationships, creativity gives you the insight to understand better ways to approach the problem. If you experience challenging times financially, creativity lessens your emotional burdens and helps you see another way to motivate you and inspire you to move forward.

And whatever we are, as human beings, must be creative. Most people do not respect each other, they bully others, they live angry and frustrated, they become stubborn and set in their old ways. All things happen because the mind lacks that creative expansion, that creative awareness. I have found that in my life creativity has led me to write, inspire myself, seek to be better than I was yesterday in mind and body. I write stories to inspire myself and others. It’s a very important way to express myself, develop myself, and share myself with the world.

Having established that thought, I wanted to show you my new book’s cover. I am working on new covers for my books, fiction and nonfiction. And, while I still work on #3 in the series BENJAMIN JONES, here is the finished painting for #1 and next to it is the finished book cover design for the same. So, this is “BENJAMIN JONES – The Call of The Shaman,” #1 in the epic series.

The story is about an orphan boy who seeks to discover himself and the world. His parents have died in a very mysterious way, and now he has been ignored by his people (indigenous people) and doomed to live in an orphanage. He will meet new friends, set out on an adventure, find out his shamanic legacy, discover that he is much more than he ever thought. But this will bring consequences, because there are dark forces seeking to destroy his light. Terrible creatures following him. Many challenges to become who he is meant to be.

These series of books focus on the narrative, on the description of how he thinks and feels mostly; because this is about his journey of self-discovery. Life is about how we feel, because the experiences that we live daily are really about how we feel. So, this is BENJAMIN JONES journey to become a god, as he will uncover mysteries and how especial he is. He will discover that there is an ancient demigod living inside him. Check it out and enjoy a good read:

Book reviews Poetry and prose from the heart. Stories to ponder.

YA Fantasy/Mystery. Free download.

-If you like the ‘Harry Potter’ novels.

-If you’re into ‘Percy Jackson.’

-If you enjoy epic journeys of mystery like in ‘The Lord of The Rings.’

Then do not miss this FREE read.

This is the 1st in the epic series BENJAMIN JONES.

This is “The Call of The Shaman.”

Find out more and download it for free:

Business mind. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Creativity for a better life.

Life is about finding the inner strength, the positive in the negative, the greater capacity to move on and better ourselves. And for this, we must look at change, which is building the new, whatever the new is for you. The new could be another perspective, it could be a new way to do something that before didn’t work in your life, it could be a more passionate and positive approach to the hardships in your journey, and so on and so forth. But whatever we do, we must work on strengthening creativity.

Greater creativity is the greatest achievement one can get individually, because any suffering, any drama, and any attachment to old ways and lack of insight to build the new exist in our lives because there is no creativity. Greater creativity has created the world as it is, with the good and the not so good. Strengthening the creative muscle is the most important thing we can do, to understand more of life, of others, of ourselves.

Greater creativity improves our relationships, our perspectives in life. Learning more, reading more, practicing talents more, letting go of the old and stubborn ways, changing our habits into better ones. All this increases our capacity to become more creative in life. And while our minds increase this capacity, we become more able to fix whatever needs to be fixed or improved in our relationships, because now our perspective, our tolerance, our ability to project into someone else’s mind, and our understanding of the important things in life has become more clear and in tune with empathy.

And now on hardback: “The Call of The Shaman” – YA Fantasy/Mystery novel. #1 in the epic series BENJAMIN JONES.

“Now, these creatures from the necro world moved quickly through the air. Seen from afar, they were of a smoky substance; but they could still hurt the living if they wanted to do so…

“And these were slaves for eternity. Not just tortured souls, but their egos had been given so much power that no love whatsoever existed in them. Man has light and darkness, but these ghouls only had darkness within them.”


Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Grow together. Learn together.

Keeping things inside you in relationships, or being emotionally closed. Pretending, just to keep the peace and not argue. Being impulsive in conversations and letting your frustration take over. This all can lead to secrets, to lies, to misbehaving, to lose trust and connection. Communicating is all about being honest with each other. This means finding the right way to say something and sharing your opinion in a respectful way. This can be challenging when you don’t agree on something.

But not agreeing on something can be healthy, because it means you have the chance to learn a new perspective. Learning a new perspective can help you understand in a more profound way the other person. That is the key to successful relationships, to learn from each other, to grow as individuals and as a team. So, you acknowledge his/her point of view, leave your ego, leave your pride, and try to get closer to the way of thinking and feeling of the other person.

With respect, patiently, and without being impulsive or reactive then your relationship grows. Any relationship. This is the challenge for the one passionate enough to truly love another. And having passion, in a mature relationship, means to find the proper way to nurture that relationship for you and your partner; so you both can grow together, learn together, even if you have different opinions and points of view.

A little bit from I ALWAYS LOVED YOU – Creatures of Eternal Love” – A book about true love and successful relationships.

Love  is  not  anger,  and  has  nothing  to  do  with  anger.  Love  is  not  possessive  or  controlling,  and  it  has  nothing  to  do  with  that.  Love  is  not  envious  or  jealous,  no  matter  what  you  tell  yourself.  Love  seeks  not  to  win  arguments,  because  love  knows  no  competition...

Love  is  eternally  truthful,  because  it  has  nothing  to  do  with  lies.  Love  is  beyond  romance,  friendship  and  all  other  labels;  for  love  is  the  energy  which  connects  even  the  murderer  to  the  saint.  A  love  like  this  truly  beautifies  life...”

Check out the book by clicking on the picture:

Book reviews Stories to ponder.

Free download. “The Return of The Gods”

CHAPTER 1The Darkness Inside

“Shadow sped up on the highland. He was running really fast, as only a creature of magic could. He was chasing and looking for someone. He was worried, overwhelmed, energetic. He carried heavy feelings. He wasn’t just a shadow, but he had a direct link to Ben…

” It was like being inside Ben’s skin, knowing his thoughts, his feelings of joy, of fear. They were one and the same. And right now, Shadow knew how Ben felt. But this was confusing, demanding, even scary for him. Shadow was just getting used to his individuality and freedom. All these thoughts, emotions, ways of thinking, ways of perceiving the world. All this was new to him, because, before the magic, Ben did everything for him…

“He was just his shadow before, and that was it. The magic was growing now, and he loved it. But right now, he wasn’t happy. Not at all. He was feeling the pain Ben felt. And as he stopped at the top of the hill, he became aware of this psychological and emotional pain. He fell on his knees and shrank on the ground. He rolled over a few times on the short grass underneath him…

“He  had  never  experienced  this  pain,  which  wasn’t  that  terrible  really;  however,  he  was  like  a  little  kid  experiencing  deep  anger,  impotence,  and  frustration  for  the  first  time.  “Oh,  the  agony.  What  is  this??  Stop  this  Ben.  Stop  it!  Stop  it!  Stop  it!,”  he  muttered  to  himself…

“He  held  his  chest  tightly  and  rolled  around  while  moaning  upsettingly.  He  was  getting  acquainted  with  the  pain  he  felt.  He  knew  that  this  was  what  all  sentient  beings  felt,  that  this  was  “normal”  for  them.  But  he  still  didn’t  want  it…

“The  sun  was  directly  on  him.  The  skies  were  clear.  Fresh  winds  blew  from  the  east.  Now  Adit  stood  above  him,  and  with  his  rooted  feet  stopped  him  from  his  childish  caper.  He  glared  at  him  while  covering  the  sun.  “What  are  you  doing…??  I  thought  you  were  looking  for  him,”  he  said.

For a limited time, download it for free and find out what happens next:

Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

Breaking free from the “normal”

I’ve been on the other side, which is the side of attachment and self-neglect. When I was looking to fit in and to be like the rest, seeking their approval, seeking to belong to a group of thinkers, believers, philosophers. We all seek this when there is no knowledge of self. We seek to belong and to feel part of others and of what others do, and this quite often becomes an obsession, a corruption as we become more like others and lose our uniqueness. Most of us fall into this, because we cannot be with ourselves. We might feel empty, not worthy by ourselves, like something is missing; therefore, we look to others and to think like them.

We really are different and unique, each one of us; however, by trying to be like others, by following a belief, a philosophy, a behavior which is not truly ours we become distanced from ourselves and from our uniqueness. The world is full of people who seek an identity outside themselves, in a crowd, in culture, in tradition, in religion, in politics. This brings them more emptiness and loneliness. Happiness is in discovering yourself, to stand on your own, to lead your own thinking and feeling, to create better behaviors based on your uniqueness. Trying to copy others dulls the mind, and it makes the emptiness, the frustration, the loneliness stronger in you.

There is nothing more important in life than to be and feel whole, to discover ourselves by taking care of ourselves. Don’t focus on others, on what philosophers say, on what religions say, on what groups of people (whoever these groups are) say. Life is about being happy, and to be truly happy one must learn to think for oneself. There is no normal. We are all different. Think for yourself and don’t seek to copy the “normal” offered by society, by your family, by politics and religion. Nothing will make you whole, able to feel successful and happy, unless it is your own unbiased thinking. Forge your own path. It works for me. It will do so for you as well.

And for the ones who didn’t know, for a limited time only, you can get the 2nd in the epic series for free. Opt-in optional, which means you can choose to join my newsletter or not and still get the download for free.

Find out about the book and download it for free by clicking the button below. Thanks.

Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

True intelligence in life.

Throughout the years I’ve learned that knowledge does not really make you a better person, it does not bring illumination or any true intelligence. Unless you apply an expansion of the right knowledge, unless you let go of attachment to that same knowledge, your self-awareness will not increase and your intelligence will not grow. Don’t be attached to any knowledge at all, for it will only make you bias and stupid.

And when I talk about knowledge I am referring to any at all. All information, from any source. Beliefs. Popular philosophies. Scientific data. Politics. Personal opinions. Family traditions. Cultures. And whatever tries to guide you a certain way. Whatever, no matter intention, tries to lead you and take you through a certain path. But all knowledge is good though, we can learn something from it; however, any attachment makes your mind a follower of this particular knowledge while ignoring or condemning any other information which does not fit that first knowledge you worship.

So, we can clearly see that if you follow any particular knowledge then your mind becomes rigid and a believer of that knowledge. This rigidness makes you prideful, arrogant, even violent with others who do not share your particular knowledge. This is important to have in mind specially in relationships. In relationships, to be successful, you must have an open mind and accept the other person as they are. To be truly intelligent, awakened, wise, you must let go of worshiping any knowledge at all; and so, become more open-minded and connected to yourself, to others, to life, without any rigidity.

Book reviews Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Punishment and Cosmic Law

“The Loose Damned” is a story of the meaning of life, death, and the unknown.

On this Monday 8/16, a new episode of “The Loose Damned” coming to Kindle Vella.  Story is coming to a conclusion.

Short excerpt.  Chapter 14.

Titled:  “Punishment & Cosmic Law.”

“…Mike and Jenny were holding hands, because it was finally over and their love was stronger now after living this ordeal.  They also looked at peace, because they both could feel why the creature had come and why things were happening the way they were happening…

“The demon had been sent to bring order to the chaos the rogue and psychotic Reaper had created.  He’d broken rules and acted on his own.  Reaper had followed his own thirst for chaos and revenge.  He had broken the trust of those who had made him the Reaper in the first place…  

“The Reaper deals with death.  The Reaper is supposed to balance life, keep evolution as sacred as it is, and maintain the cosmic order in connection to Planet Earth.  A life exits this physicality, a life is born in this physicality.  The old goes out, the new comes in.  This is the way of the cosmos.  This is balance.  But this new Reaper had followed his own selfish desires instead of the established Cosmic Law…”

Don’t miss it. Find out what happens next:  

Book reviews Stories to ponder.

A cosmic punishment

This week a new episode of my short story, “The Loose Damned,” is live on Amazon’s Kindle Vella for fantasy/sci-fi lovers. You won’t want to miss this one. Keep reading to find out why…

It is a story of cosmic proportions. A story about forces of good and evil. A story about rebelliousness, righting wrongs, love, and cosmic punishment.

Michael Vega (Mike) has escaped from hell, and he has broken the space-time rip which shouldn’t be broken doing so. But, unbeknownst to him, the new appointed Reaper and his Hell Snatchers are in close pursuit…

But is Reaper carrying his own twisted motives…?? Haunted by his human memories, Reaper is prone to his own selfishness, his own egomania; and he has a past, a very dark and troubled past…

And what will The Cosmic Council do about about this?? Will they send The demon of Pestilence and Disease to punish and balance whoever threatens the cosmic balance??

Below, a short excerpt of chapter 13.

Titled: “Demon of Pestilence and Disease

“…It was a threatening and ghastly creature. A specter floating tree level, with what seemed to be tattered clothing or skin, and with an obscure aura about him. He appeared fully materialized, bodily present; however, at times he would sway a little side to side and thus look like a hologram leaving projection in the night’s air. He had a face, a tortured, miserable, non-human looking semblance…

“Extremely small, flying beetles and flies were about him and his aura, and these carried a bluish luminescence of their own. This was the infernal demon of pestilence and disease, and he was a bringer of castigations to the guilty. The guilty was sentenced by The Council of The Unseen. The Council of The Unseen had been established, since mankind’s dawn, by the race of The Celestials. The mysterious stranger belonged to this unknown council and extraterrestrial race…

“No one was moving. No one dared move. They all knew right away. Not with exact detail. But they all sensed his origin, and this brought them chills. See, the one called Reaper, Mike and Jenny, were connected. They were, or had been once, humans entirely. And they were linked to each other by a ‘strange deformity’ in their DNA. Human doctors had called it a ‘congenital disease.’”…

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

Moral values

As I narrate my new audiobook and edit the same book as I go, I am reminding myself of the essence of morality and moral values:

“But let a man not be falsely conscious as the unscrupulous lawyer, for this so-called “man of law” is not always truly moral. He might not be a bringer of any human law, as he seeks to be recognized in his profession as a “winner” instead of as an example of morality. “Or, let a man not be leaning on his arrogance as the crooked police officer, who becomes a filthy Nazi unto himself by bullying others, causing much human suffering, and degrading his own badge. Ask yourself: What business has a real man in life if not morality itself…?? ~The True Revolution Begins.

So many people do what’s moral as long as it benefits them and their hidden selfishness. Don’t think about others, but think about your own morality as you read this: If you are into politics, who do you support and why?? Are you attached to the wrong others did to you and never actually looking at your own fault?? Are you attached to your own beliefs so much that you can’t see the truth outside it?? Do you look down on others, on anyone at all?? Look at yourself and change. Don’t remain arrogant and immoral. What blocks mankind from feeling true love and happiness in life is attachment to their own selfish immaturity/immorality.

And this, of course, affects all of us. Nobody is the exception. And whoever thinks himself as the exception, shows himself his own arrogance and attachment to his own image. Being moral, having and displaying moral values, morality, is not about doing what billions of people do around the world, and is not following what feels good to you. It is about doing what is right, even if it doesn’t fit with your ego and your desires. And one who can see this without excuses, and then apply it in daily behavior, is the one who is truly awakened. So, we must understand there’s no true morality in us unless we leave our attachment to opinions, to beliefs, to traditions in our family, to philosophies of groups. See this and become better by changing ways of thinking and behaving.

This nonfiction work expands the mind into freedom from society and its mores. Because it is about growing in understanding, seeking that which is true and incorruptible in us, and letting go of the harmful and unhealthy patterns which push us away from individuality and love.

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder.

A better life

It is true that we are One, in the sense that we are all going through suffering and an inner struggle to find value in this life. We are here, alive, with our flaws, with our past mistakes and current burdens because we must learn as we experience our journeys here. And to see and understand this, and to take it to behavior, is wisdom. That is why to help somebody else, or to motivate somebody else, is to do the same for ourselves. Because inspiring others makes us feel better about our own worth as human beings. Inspiring others also connects us, it opens possibilities to become even better in other aspects of life and to influence others further. Doing this creates self-confidence, and self-confidence is indeed required to grow in life in any aspect.

A life well lived is a life where you feel value within you, where you feel love, compassion, truth, and confidence in your own humanity. Your humanity is your innermost. Your humanity is your essence and what makes you connected to others. It is what gives you that compassion, that love, that link to their suffering and to whatever they are experiencing. This is the value we all seek, but that many bury under heavy layers of ego and pride. Now, to truly look within yourself and awaken is to see past your ego and pride. In order to better your life, as that of others with your example, you must understand that your ego and pride are enemies, that these are not helping you but blinding you from the truth and from making your life better.

And only on KINDLE VELLA:

And don’t forget to read the epic journey of Michael Vega. The epic account of what happened this young man one year after he died. This is his journey after coming back from the beyond. And he is being hunted by dark creatures from hell.

Anatomy and physiology of life Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder.

Her magic

Parents kept telling their child that magic didn’t exist. As the child grew up, her head was fighting between what she wanted to believe and what her parents taught her to believe. She wanted to experience magic, but she was troubled by the burden of her childhood. It was a burden indeed, because it was stopping her from discovering true love, the magic within herself; and all because she was still carrying the beliefs and ignorance others had created for her. These burdens make us desperate for the love and attention of others. And the magic is not experienced this way, because the magic lives in you; however, it requires your full attention, it requires your belief in it.

We live in a world where man rules, and that is why magic is gone, not experienced by most people. Living in a world where man rules then, suffering is the “normal,” violence and anger are the “normal,” and competition and jealousy are the “normal.” The little girl grew up in this world. And this is for any of us suffering in a world ruled by man, attached to it and without a belief in magic. This is so one can awaken and experience this magic in oneself, while leaving the rules of man, while making your own rules. Making your own rules means not copying others, not doing and believing the same others do and believe. Making your own rules means allowing yourself to be more calm and relaxed instead of falling trap of your own impulsive ego.

Making your own rules means working on yourself, your health, your talents, your hobbies, and accepting the way you feel instead of trying to cover it up with alcohol and silly activities. The little girl is an adult now. The little boy is an adult now. And now they must leave behind their pasts, their childhoods, what others have taught them to believe, their traditions and ways of doing things. And this because life is evolving, ever transforming itself into a new future; and so, you must evolve along with it. We all must detach ourselves from the rule of man and the way we’ve been taught, so we can be born again, with new ideas, new thinking, new feeling, and with absolute belief in our inner magic.

Is good to read. Is good to expand the mind as we evolve in life. The content of our minds matter. I bring you the best book promos. Take your pick below or visit them all:

And don’t forget that my new short story is on Amazon’s Kindle Vella right now.

Discover why Michael Vega is being chased by The Reaper and Hell Snatchers.

Buy one episode or buy them all.

Book reviews Poetry and prose from the heart. Stories to ponder.

The Loose Damned

Coming to Amazon this week on Kindle Vella.

Fantasy/mystery story.


It is a short story, coming soon on Kindle Vella, an Amazon service, which can be read by buying tokens. You can buy 1 episode at a time, or many at a time. The first 3 episodes are free to read to introduce the reader to the story.

short blurb or intro: Michael Vega has returned from the beyond. He’s on a mission. But the rip has been opened now, and hell is after him. What will he do…?? Only you can find out.

And before reading the chapters, here’s a book trailer I made to introduce the story:

These are the first 2 chapters or episodes to get acquainted with the upcoming story.

CHAPTER 1 “The Return”

A bar scene.  Bars are so depressing.  Or at least this one was.  There was too much smoke in the air.  Someone was smoking like a chimney, but no drunkard there really cared.  The bartender with the unfriendly face cared even less though.  He was cleaning the inside of beer glasses with a dirty cloth.  But, of course, he didn’t know it was dirty; or, better put, he didn’t care.

The old man was just sitting there, facing the bartender and staring at the bottom of his empty glass.  ‘Did I have booze and drank it already…??’ he thought to himself.  Then he sighed in frustration, grunted, and looked at all the alcohol bottles in display in front of him and on the other side of the counter.  His mouth drooling, his eyes reddish, his movements clumsy.  Indeed, very intoxicated.

The old man now glared at the unfriendly bartender.  Then he smiled and said, “So, I know you wanna gimme another beer.  C’mon!  Say it.  You want to, huh.”  His eyes lolling and unsteady.  The bartender just observed him.  Then the old man continued, “Please, I want it!  And I want it!  C’mon.  Be my pal.”

The barman became pensive, then added, “Rowley, just go home.”  Then he got nearer to him, right on his face, and continued, “What did I tell you…??  This was the last one.”

“So, good!  Gimme the last one please,” the old man said while offering his empty glass to be refilled.

“No, you already had your last one.  Now is time to go.  So move it,” he came back firmly.

“O, c’mon.  Just one more.  Don’t be a mean one, Mr. Grinch.  Yes.  You.  Mr. Grinch.”

“GO.  HOME,” he repeated firmly.

The old man pouted like a little kid, then he grunted, then he scoffed.  “Okie dokie.  I know we are friends and all.  So, I won’t stay.  Because… because if I stay… if I stay I kick your…”  Then, before finishing, he dropped to the floor just like a sack of potatoes.

He was awkwardly resting on the ground now.  The few men drinking in the bar were observing him.  Some were laughing.  Some were too drunk to even care.  “Oops.  No!  No!  Don’t help me.  I’m okay…” he said this as he staggered to his feet.  Then he exited the bar, but not before he bumped into some chairs. 

Outside then, he squinted under the sun.  He stopped himself and looked at the road in front of him.  The bar was in the outskirts of the city, and here there were mountains, wilderness, and a very, very long road.  He then wobbled.  He cursed under his breath.  He felt thirsty still.  And he was thinking about taking his motorcycle and going to another bar. 

Where was his motorcycle anyway…??  He’d left it right in front.  Or not.  Perhaps.  He felt confused.  But he walked in circles searching for it, then remembered and went around the bar.  The drinking place had a small parking lot on its side, so he kept walking and trying to find his bike.  Not that the parking lot was big and full of cars, but he was not feeling so well, and his vision was not well either.

“Hey, old man!” came a voice from the side of the main road.  “Are you looking for your son’s wheels?!  It’s mine now that he doesn’t need it anymore!”

The old man swallowed something bitter while staggering to remain on his feet, then he leaned on the bar wall.  His son had passed away.  He’d been on a gang of bikers, so he’d met this guy there.  But what’d happened…??  Weren’t they friends??  How can he steal his dead son’s motorcycle now.  Or maybe this was a joke.  The old man smiled, then said, “Gee.  Too funny!  You’re a funny guy, Steve!  Or whatever your name is.  Can’t remember…”

Before the guy, Steve perhaps, put on his helmet and took off in the bike, he grinned and added, “Nah, I don’t joke!  But, I admit, this is pretty funny, right?!”

The old man was left all alone, confused, not even understanding what’d just happened.  He lost his footing and fell on the ground intoxicated.

Meanwhile, Steve rode the bike hell for leather.  The road in front of him was paved and long, very long.  To his side, wilderness.  Far beyond it, mountains.  Above them all, the skies were blue and the sun was scorching hot.  He thought himself as a speed demon.  He actually felt like a really bad-to-the-bone demon, just because he’d stolen a bike from an old man.  ‘What an accomplishment for my bad-guy résumé,’ he muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, a bright light in the skies.  The blueness of it all trembled.  But this light felt and appeared more like an omen.  This shook Steve to the core.  He didn’t know why, but he felt curious and afraid at the same time; however, he also felt allured by it.  He couldn’t resist it, so he stopped the bike and stared at the bright light.  Dazzling.  Mysterious.  Compelling.

The light was more like holography of colors.  The rainbow-like banner of colors was right above him now, and it also spread all over the road and on part of the wilderness.  It was like something, or someone, had come flying or running out of an interdimensional portal right above the ground…

CHAPTER 2 – “Enter The Loose Damned

There were no words.  No words to describe the brightness and mystery emanating from the phenomena above him.  Steve looked around him, then behind him.  He was trying to find other witnesses that could corroborate that he wasn’t crazy, that he was actually sane in seeing the spectacle above him.  He saw no one.  The road.  The wilderness.  Total emptiness.

He felt alone, so alone; and anxious, extremely anxious.  The effect of this phenomena was indeed strong.  The light filled by rainbow colors was now sizzling or vibrating rapidly.  And  he was now paying more attention to his surroundings, as the colors were fading and he felt mysteriously aware. 

Then, suddenly, he heard a noise on the tarmac.  Someone was behind him.  Who was it..??  Then he slowly turned around.  There it was.  But he couldn’t see his face at first, since this one was bent on his knees and looking down.  He wore tattered jeans and T-shirt.  He looked like he came from the same pits of hell as The Devil himself.  His long, jet-black hair disheveled.

He was crouching just like a beast ready to pounce on its prey.  He was beside the motorbike and he didn’t seem friendly.  When he looked at Steve, this one almost dropped backwards.  It was him!  How could it be??  He was gone.  He saw his body at the funeral.  What the hell was going on here??

“Kid…??”  Steve asked.  “Is it really you??”

Almost half his face was burned.  But these burns seemed fresh, as if they had occurred just a few minutes ago.  And the muscular boy was not in any pain.  But who was he??  And where had he burned himself like that??  Better yet, Why wasn’t he in the emergency room of a hospital right now??

“What’s  my  name??”  the 6-foot-tall young man demanded.

Steve looked confused and horrified at the same time.  He hesitated, then said, “How-How is this possible…??  What happened to you??”

The strange boy looked unwavering, resolute; but mentally jumbled at the same time.  “What’s my name?!”

No response for several seconds.  Meanwhile, the light in the skies had faded completely.

“Michael, it’s me,” the biker replied. “Don’t you remember…??  What-What is this??  Some kinda joke??”

Then the strange 17-year-old called Michael stood up.  He was looking straight at him, then at his surroundings, then at the skies, then at his own hands.  These ones were telling him something.  Perhaps reminding him something from his past.  His hands had been in places.  Horrible places.  But now they were here.  He was here.  Back here.  But something more was in the back of his mind.  He couldn’t remember it all.  Not yet anyway.

Then, without removing his eyes from his soiled hands, he said as if to himself,  “Yes…  I am Michael…  I am Michael Vega…”  Then he looked at the polished motorcycle in front of him.  It suddenly brought back some beautiful memories.  The wind on his face.  The speed.  The feeling of freedom.  Then, as he gently inspected it with his hands, he followed, “And this is my bike.”

“Well, Mike, I did steal it from—”

And before Steve could even finish his sentence, Mike interrupted, “Steal…??”  Then, with full attention on him, he plodded towards Steve.  “Why did you steal it??  Who are you??”

“Er.  Don’t you remember me??  We were in the same crew!  What’s wrong with you, man??”

He violently grabbed him by the collar and demanded,  “Who are you??  Tell me!”

Steve was 22 years old and had been a gang member for about 4 years now.  And he’d met Mike one night after he’d ran away from his house, away for good from his alcoholic father.  Mike had never met his mother, and he hated his father.  His father had later been sent to prison for killing somebody with his car while driving heavily intoxicated.

But Steve and Mike had become friends since then.  Well, sort of friends.  They had had their problems, but in their unique way they did work through them.  Now,  Mike didn’t remember much; but being closer to him, he patiently studied his face.  There was awkward silence.  Some fuzzy recollections came to him.

“Hey.  Ch-Chill, man,”  Steve added.  “I’m your friend.  Or I was.  Or, what the hell happened to you??”

Michael Vega pierced him with a deep stare, as if staring into his very soul.  There was something powerful in Mike’s eyes now that he was back.  Back from where??  We’ll discover it together soon.

“Shut up.  Come with me.”  Then, without hesitation, he sat on the bike and took off with him….

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it and wish to discover what happens next and the terrible hell unleashing upon him. In returning to Earth, Michael has opened the space-time rip, and so the chaos he unfolds increases. Follow me to find out on what day is being released.

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder.

Driven. And a story.

“So many things are possible, just as long as you don’t know they are impossible.”

–Norton Juster

What happens when something negative, some extreme anxiety, some fear, enters the mind…?? We become just that. Just that negativity. Just that anxiety and fear. Society shows you what could go wrong, or you pay attention to the failure or suffering of another. Or perhaps you just cling to past mistakes, or to the example of others, or to whatever they say it does not work. What does it do in your mind…?? It closes you to the possibility of creating and discovering something new. And life is all about exploration, new chapters to begin, another point of view, other visions and goals to pursue and make happen for yourself.

If you are not moving forward and creating new things, new experiences, new and better feelings in you, then life loses spark, meaning, purpose, joy. What I’m trying to say here is that we must never remain and cling to negativity, to fears, to drama. Let us say that we have a vision of a future, we are working towards something of value for ourselves, we have a purpose for creating something great in our lives; however, there is drama, difficulty, challenges, people who tell us that is never happening for us. In this case, we must not become overwhelmed by all the negativity. Even if the negativity sounds rational, one must always keep going, with faith, with a positive thought and vision. Because this process creates self-confidence.

And the truth is that what helps us grow in life, better our relationships, improve our finances, develop further our personas, is exactly self-confidence. Things evolve. Things become what you are. If you carry fear, drama, and attachment to negativity, then you are just that; and so, whatever thing you want out of life will become just that for you. But if you carry faith, self-belief, positivity and vision, then you are just that; and so, life will become just that for you. It is all about the content of your mind. The content of your mind creates the feelings that drive you. If you want success, love, happiness. If you want to better yourself, your finances, your relationships, your life in all aspect, then you need the best and most positive feelings to drive you.

And now I would like to introduce you to a new story I’m writing.

“The Loose Damned” is a short story, coming soon on Kindle Vella, an Amazon service, which can be read by buying tokens. You can buy 1 episode at a time, or many at a time. The first 3 episodes are free to read to introduce the reader to the story.

And my story is the epic account of what happened to Michael Vega, a young man who comes back from the beyond. He might come back for love. He might come back for revenge. He might come back to right a wrong. Or he might come back to the world of the living just because he rebels against any authority. Who knows??

You’ll just have to read it to find out.

But one thing is for sure: ‘NOT EVEN HELL CAN STOP HIM.’

Anatomy and physiology of life Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Worthy of love

Love is inherent in us. In all of us. For all of us. One may have the greatest challenges, problems, heartbreaks; however, we are ALL worthy of love, and capable of giving love. As long as you are breathing and not in a comatose state, you can give love and receive it. But, in order to do this, we must become love first. What is that mean…?? It means we must move forward, not remain attached to the past hurt or failure or mistake. Maybe our childhood was tragic. Perhaps someone cheated on us in our past. Or many other terrible things. But, for this reason, moving on, focusing on building a new purpose in us, in our activities and daily habits, is what we must do to create love in our experience.

To open your heart and let yourself be loved by someone, you must stop following the heartbreaks and disappointments your past brings, and stop devaluing yourself and judging yourself based on past mistakes or in the way someone treated you in the past. Love, and your worthiness to be loved, is not measured by your self-pity and ego. Being loved is about moving on and opening yourself to new experiences for yourself without looking back. Love is a manifestation of moving forward with purpose and faith in yourself.

Now, of course, it is easy for us to feel hurt and remain attached to this, pity ourselves and live in hurtful memories. Sometimes, without knowing, we find pleasure in feeling like a victim. But feeling like a victim is letting our minds increase ego, and this increase lowers our chances to truly become better persons and build a better life for ourselves. And life is all about moving forward, is it not…?? We are meant to move on and leave the past where it is, behind us. Whether that past has been good or not, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you become aware that love and happiness resides in the passion and commitment to move forward. You create yourself anew by moving forward. So, never tell yourself that you cannot move forward into better things; because this is what true living is, moving forward, feeling accomplished by creating new purpose in your day to day.

Thanks for reading.

Please enjoy some good, old book/audiobook promos. Who knows?? You might just find real treasure here.

Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

Enjoy it now

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

― Eleanor Roosevelt

Life can be complicated. One might live with confusion. What to do?? I don’t have the money I need. The deadline is coming! What choice do I make?! What did I do wrong?? And many more like this. So many of us live constantly in our heads, in our busy and anxious minds; and this is what we must realize in ourselves. Nothing matters more than realizing this in life, because in order to live and enjoy fully our moments we need to understand that love and happiness is not in the chase we do. It’s not in money, even though we live in a society and we must pay for what we consume. It’s not in seeking better education and thinking about future exams and study, even though it is important to design a good future in society.

It is now. The joy, the love, the value is now. In the things, relationships, situations you have. It is about paying attention to all this. And it doesn’t really matter if we have much or not. And it doesn’t really matter if we live in a paradise or not. And what about the kind of job we have?? It doesn’t matter either. The only thing that can get us to real joy is our own attention. Attention into what our lives are now. Find the passion, the positivity, the motivation, the purpose and value in you by always taking time to enjoy and bring positive attitude to your current situation, moment, people around you.

When my mind goes into the future, thinking about certain outcome, pondering what I could get. Or when my mind goes to the past, asking myself what went wrong, what did I do, why something failed. When this happens then, I instantly focus on getting away from this and putting all my energy in the now, in my family, in my writing, in being with my dog, in enjoying a nice day outside, etc. etc. Because it is natural that the mind will always pull us one way, making us feel anxious, chasing money, hunting for better opportunities; but it is our responsibility to shift our attention and love ourselves and our lives now. Without questioning. Without making excuses. Just live it, enjoy it now.

Please check out this new poem/video I made:

Anatomy and physiology of life Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Keep on moving

It’s easy to become frustrated and angry with others, with life and with ourselves even. You try your best and it doesn’t come out the way you expected it. Or you put effort, time, desire into something; but at some point things begin to fall apart. Well, it is frustrating indeed; but, frustrating or not, your duty is to observe and learn. And let’s not make excuses. There is always something to learn. Sometimes we don’t want to accept it, or even recognize in our minds that we failed at something; but the truth will set us free, and it shall also help us become better in life. Hurt, pain, disappointment, frustration. These are there for a reason. Don’t drown in sorrow, but be patient and humble enough to see and study that reason.

A series of small steps. Daily. Life is all about small steps. That is how love, happiness, success is experienced, felt, embraced in you. Don’t be impulsive. Don’t think you can’t. Start with the small things. Don’t just have in mind the big picture, but have in mind the small steps that’ll get you where you want to be. It’s about commitment and enjoying the process of self-transformation. For years, I couldn’t see this. Heartbreaks. The death of my father. Financial problems. And many more things made me feel like a failure, and not even able to look forward and claim a better future. But slowly, through much hardship, I learned that life is all about determination and purpose. It is about taking daily the small steps towards my goals, towards what I want.

And for this we need patience and much more courage. Courage to see through our own sorrows and hardships. Courage to deny the negative thoughts and feelings we may have. Courage to stop following the rest and paying attention to the opinions they carry of us. Because in order to better your life, you must better yourself. Day by day. Slowly. Committed to change your thoughts, your feelings, your behaviors in life. You have to focus on a new purpose, on something which brings you passion, and a process of self-transformation. You want something, and the secret to getting it is in focusing on the small steps towards building that something. But always moving on, not staying with the old. Old relationships. Old ways of believing. Old habits. Leave it all behind. And create the new. Create yourself anew. Life is always evolving, so you evolve with life as well.

And also I want to thank all that entered my Goodreads giveaway. I just checked and saw that I had 358 entries. 358 people interested in my book “BENJAMIN JONES – The Return of The Gods.” Success for my first giveaway indeed.

I really hope you enjoy the story if Amazon chooses you. Or if they sent it already. Thanks again. Creating stories to help and entertain is my passion. I have found my passion, and I am committed to it.

And here are some new book promos for your enjoyment:

Book reviews Stories to ponder.

The Return of The Gods

What if I’ve been sent to hell?? No, I can beat this! But my soul is lost. Why should I bother?? I have failed my father, my friends, myself. I am destined to lose and die. No, I have to press on and get outta here! Yes, he felt in a downward spiral. He felt he’d lost identity and meaning.

In this languishing state, he managed to walk and near the lip of the highland. The cold air mixed with the terrible downpour was quickly freezing his very bones. “Blazes!” he said as the abyss rumbled beneath him. He became disturbed instantly.

He saw that he was on a very high peak, and that this was part of the heavens. Or part of hell. Then he peered down through the fogginess of the intermingling clouds, but he saw nothing and heard only the muffled sounds of the ill-fated creatures of the lands below.

Perhaps sounds of agony. Perhaps sounds of mockery. Who knew. And when he turned around, through the heavy rain, he saw a hooded figure. This one had been watching him all along…

This is a Goodreads giveaway of my latest book. Fantasy/mystery.

This is “BENJAMIN JONES. The Return of The Gods.”

Visit purgatory with Ben.

Watch the new video below:

There’s a cosmic fight happening right now, and you’re missing it.

Three days left for the big reckoning. The clock is ticking. What are you waiting for?!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

"The Return of The Gods" by Asa Rodriguez

“The Return of The Gods”

by Asa Rodriguez

Giveaway ends June 13, 2021.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

Don’t be afraid. It’ll be all over soon…

Book reviews Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

See yourself.

Your own ignorance, your own lack of insight into yourself is keeping you down. You might carry loneliness, resentment, guilt, self-pity, jealousy; but all these are just manifestations of your own ignorance. Your ignorance lies in not knowing who you are and what you can accomplish. Your own dreams and greater possibilities rest in your grasp, but your attention on the tragic, on the sad, on the anxiousness, on the frustration with yourself is what deviates you from the bigger picture. The bigger picture being what’s beyond all this negativity you keep feeding. And negativity is what you have to learn to let go.

When I say ‘you,’ I mean ‘we’; because any of us needs to remind ourselves that all thoughts of despair appear and become strong in us only if we lack self-awareness. Lack of self-awareness is lack of insight into myself, into my strengths, into my better self. For example, if I go through something difficult in life, this doesn’t mean that I should overwhelm myself with self-pity and frustration; and so let my life become worse and even more difficult in the future through my feelings of despair. These feelings of despair that I have allowed into myself, that I have created really, mark who I am to myself; and how I see myself.

One thing to understand is that how I see myself is everything in life. So, ask yourself: Do I see myself patient, committed, able…?? Do I believe that my life will turn around if I believe in myself even through hardship…?? Do I lack real insight and understanding of my own strengths and capacities…?? Why should I feel depressed because things right now are not going as I expect…?? Life is based on asking yourself these questions, with honesty, with desire for true answers. I know that most of us ignore these questions, but in reality the answers to these questions may give us strength and insight into how we really feel. It is all about how we feel. Because your life is you. So, in order for life to be good, then you must feel good about it; and you must make it happen in your mind first, not wait around for some external miracle. Create the miracle yourself.

Thanks for reading.

And just a reminder. Only 5 days left. Enter this GOODREADS GIVEAWAY for your chance to win a copy of “BENJAMIN JONES – The Return of The Gods.”

Goodreads Book Giveaway

"The Return of The Gods" by Asa Rodriguez

“The Return of The Gods”

by Asa Rodriguez

Giveaway ends June 13, 2021.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway
Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Full of confidence

 “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” 

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

There is no worst enemy than one’s self-pity. There is no greater obstacle you bring to yourself than overthinking and analyzing something to death. Life is to be lived with courage, the successful life that is. But, of course, we all feel lack of confidence, some self-pity, maybe sadness about ourselves and where we’re going in life at times. Or perhaps, when one is lacking self-awareness, we tend to secretly compare ourselves to others. That is human and we all do it. But the truth is that this kind of mental behavior does not help us in any way. We human beings are meant to be ourselves, unique; and it is why each of us has a different experience, each of us feels different, each of us carries our own styles and ways of thinking.

This might sound harsh, but a great life is only for the brave among us. By brave I mean the ones who leave our pasts behind, the ones who are absolutely ourselves, the ones who do put importance to what others think and feel about us. It is my life and I experience and learn from myself, for myself.

This is not selfishness. This is empowering ourselves. This is saying ‘I create what I want, with patience, with courage, with love for myself; and it might go against what society teaches and does, but still it is all about my happiness, growing in character and in confidence.

The fact is that we are what we daily think. If we daily think we can’t do something, or be something, or achieve something, than we are that. And we so become what we daily think. Because what we daily think about ourselves becomes great part of our subconscious, which means it becomes who we are in all situations in life. Life is no more than this. Life becomes this. What I do is to be positive in spite of whatever goes on around me. People do not matter because they cannot live your life. Each one of us lives our own. So focus on your life. What do you think about yourself right now?? How is that helping you?? Why do you think that?? Are you comparing yourself to others?? Are you living in past mistakes?? Are you living in past, hurtful memories??

Thanks for reading.

Now, let me remind you that curses do exist. Darkness rules us all. So what do you do with all that anger and hatred you carry…?? Have you visited purgatory with Ben yet…??

The Lord of Darkness has trapped Ben in a dark world, in another dimension, a purgatory if you will. He must discover why he’s been put there. He must save the ancient gods’ planet from total oblivion as well.

Enter below to get your copy of “BENJAMIN JONES – The Return of The Gods” before it’s too late.


Goodreads Book Giveaway

"The Return of The Gods" by Asa Rodriguez

“The Return of The Gods”

by Asa Rodriguez

Giveaway ends June 13, 2021.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder.

Why is life like this…??

So, why are we here…?? Why are we born?? What’s the point of all our suffering, challenges, misunderstandings, and losses in life?? These are the deepest questions we can ask ourselves. Of course, most people really do not question life like this. They just live it. But, in my own experience, the life put under a microscope is the life which brings you the understanding of true love and happiness. Because sometimes one lives life, and one suffers life, without really knowing why things are the way they are; or what we have to do to better our lives. No one does this intentionally, obviously. We are all trying to live the best we can. But, having said this, some of us let our minds rush and become frustrated, angry, impulsive even. Or maybe jealous, greedy, and aggressively competitive. The unaware mind has a way to blind us from clear understanding in life.

But we are what we understand, and we understand when we are truly aware of something. If I truly understand the way you feel, what you are going through, then I won’t judge you and bully you. If I truly understand why life is not going so well for me right now, then I won’t become angry and frustrated; but I will be more patient, work on choosing better, and thus be more mature daily. If I truly understand why I suffered what I suffered in my past, then I will become stronger in my present and more prepared for my future. So, think about it. Don’t rush into things. Don’t be impulsive. Even if things seem really unfair to you, stay calm, look within and in your mind, observe with stillness. If you learn to understand yourself better, then your life improves.

Thanks for reading.

And if you enjoy a good fantasy/mystery read. The ones that help you understand life and yourself, but at the same time bring you new worlds and fantastical adventures. I bring you a Goodreads giveaway of my new fantasy/mystery book. “BENJAMIN JONES. The Return of The Gods.”

Visit purgatory with Ben.

Just a few entries left.

Claim your adventure for free below!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

"The Return of The Gods" by Asa Rodriguez

“The Return of The Gods”

by Asa Rodriguez

Giveaway ends June 13, 2021.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway
Book reviews Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!


Love is at the very core of life. No concepts from society. No concepts from our egos. Love is action. And if you feel true love for yourself, for others, for the world, then you become confident, you lose anxiety and drama in your life, you become the lover. A better and kinder lover. A lover of life.

Introducing “I ALWAYS LOVED YOU” now in audiobook. It is a book about becoming a lover in life, in your relationships, in all you go through. It is about becoming an individual, unique, yourself entirely without pretending, and not following or copying how others love in society. It is about learning relaxing your mind and easing you into the very core of the best life: Love.

“I ALWAYS LOVED YOU” is now on audiobook form.

Listen to a sample in the links below 📚🎧💗🎁

Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Self-help life truths.

Strong and Confident

So, sometimes we may feel depressed, neglected, miserable even. Perhaps something didn’t go as planned. Maybe somebody else didn’t share our same feelings. Or it might be that certain outcomes in life just don’t seem to agree with us at some level. Whatever that is, we have the capacity to make it better. One may not see it at times, due to being anxious, angry, overwhelmed; but we all have the capacity to turn things around or make them better. This takes patience, of course; however, it also requires that you keep a peaceful mind, a mind that is strong and committed to keep going.

If we allow our minds to fall into fear. If we tell ourselves that we are incapable of doing something. If all we do in our minds is complain, curse, feel intimidated and shy about our own progress. If there is no desire to keep going in spite of the drama and difficult situations we live, then we are letting fear rule our decisions. And this makes you weak, unable to see your true capacity in your life, and it keeps you chained to this lack of self-love. Lack of self-love makes us paranoid, afraid and angry in our relationships.

The true purpose in your life is found once you let go of all that stress and anxiety, pain from the past and guilt you carry, and all that harmful intimidation and feelings of inferiority preventing you from becoming truly free. Whether a woman or man, the power begins in your determination and confidence to move forward in this. Now, please understand, if you don’t find your true purpose by letting go of all this fear, then you will fail in your life, in your relationships, in the treatment to yourself even. You will ask yourself why things are so bad in your life. You won’t see solutions.

You won’t feel strong and confident to become a better person in your relationship with yourself and with another. And without a sense of purpose, and without strength and confidence, we cannot really make ourselves feel proud, truthful, valued; but exactly this is what is required to live a happy life. So one must always remain aware of our minds, and so let go of any anger, frustration, anxiety, fear we may feel. This works for me, as it will work for you as well. So, keep your head up, remain honest, committed and confident in your mind.

And now, please enjoy these next book promos. And feel free to navigate my website and download my free book “BENJAMIN JONES. The Call of The Shaman.”

Book reviews Stories to ponder.

Prophecy of the cursed child (video)

“A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes anyway.”

Christopher Reeve

We all carry darkness. We all carry burdens, fears, troubled pasts, something which annoys us in some way. But the spirit of the human being is to see past this, to rise above one’s self-pity. The courage is in us, hidden below the layers of self-inflicted suffering and guilt. We only need to try hard and see beyond our sorrows, keep going in spite of the troubles in life, and remind ourselves that nothing is written in destiny. Destiny is something only we can create as we choose our path in life.

I have thought about this for long, and on the character I have created, named BENJAMIN JONES.

This is another book trailer introduction to “The Return of The Gods.” The fantasy/mystery book #2 in the series “BENJAMIN JONES.” Coming soon.

This trailer is about what has been written by Enki, Sumerian God. It’s about the one to rise as a hero, the one to sit by the gods, the one to be loved and venerated by the people; and about the darkness swallowing the land. I hope you enjoy it.


And while you wait for “BENJAMIN JONES – The Return of The Gods” to come out, #1 in the series, “BENJAMIN JONES – The Call of The shaman,” is free to download on my website when you subscribe to my bookish newsletter. Thanks.

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Stories to ponder.

The Return of The Gods

It was the possibility of darkness that made the day seem so bright. 

~Stephen King~

A little teaser of my upcoming fantasy/mystery book…

“…He took his time to respond, “Yes.” He then walked to the lip of the abyss and pointed to the misery below. “Ben, can’t you see it?? This is purity. There is nothing hidden here. I don’t hide my nature from you. Humans have war, and greed, and lies, and chaos everywhere. But they hide it behind a smile, don’t they??”

For a while, there was silence. The wails of the wind and the faint voices of sorrow were the only sounds echoing in the gloominess of it all. Ben was brooding over what The Lord of Darkness had said. It was true. All of it. But questions lingered.

“Why did you make me want to kill Jake…??” Ben finally asked. “Why did you send those voices to torture me like that??”

Lord Furvusmortem took a moment, then sighed, and then said, “Ah, but I didn’t make you feel rage and want to kill him. You did it all on your own. You cannot blame me for that, boy. That would be like blaming the water of a lake for following the natural process of vaporization and coming down as rain on you.”

“But the voices. They were not me. He was my friend. I would never kill him,” he protested while lost in thought. “We all have darkness in us. Darkness is a good thing. It keeps us honest, strong, loyal to our true nature. But the human mind gets bored, it seeks to disrupt this harmony; so it creates fear, rage, differences, and the burning desire in us to create conflict with others.” He then took a moment, then followed, “But, in you, the curse makes the voices more powerful, until they dominate your actions completely.”

There was a sudden wind picking up from the east, one which hadn’t been felt before. Then there was a flash of lightning bullying the dormant skies, and this one burned the whole firmament for a moment. Right after that, The Dark Lord stepped into the great chasm and used the wind as ground….”

This has been a little section of my upcoming book. This one is #2 in the series “BENJAMIN JONES.”

This has been “BENJAMIN JONES. The Return of The Gods.” Coming soon…

And, while you wait for my book’s release, here are some good, old promos for your enjoyment:

Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

Better life quality

 “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”


In my life, lifestyle, character and behavior daily, there is nothing more important than good nutrition. Think about it. Why are we alive right now, or what sustains us and gives us physical life…?? The energy inside our cells. And how is that energy replenished, maintained, made better or worse?? Food. Nutrition. This is what feeds our minds and bodies.

You may want to eat and drink whatever you want in your life, but you know this is true. And it takes a lot of self-discipline to eat right, to stop your ego and selfish desires for poison and acquire a better eating lifestyle. But it is all worth it, because life is about quality. If you have good energy in you, then you’ll be in a better mood to enjoy life, and you’ll be more creative and intelligent, and you’ll be a better man or woman in your relationships.

And what about self-care, self-love…?? Self-care is to properly nourish our bodies and minds. It is all about adopting good habits. It is all about training your mind to desire good, nutritious food. It is about being creative and cooking. It is about choosing what is better for yourself. It is about about attracting better in your life.

Please, watch this video below which I made titled: “Better Life Quality.”

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder.

The best mind

So, what is mindset…?? What is mind?? Isn’t it everything?? I mean, we think, say, feel, do whatever our minds are. To do anything in this life, first we must create a thought; and in time that thought becomes many thoughts, and so this mental stream becomes our habitual mind. The content of our minds. So, when you feel worship to God is because your mind is full of beliefs and religious things, even if you don’t assist to a religion. And when you become angry and paranoid is because your mind is full of thoughts which you despise. And when you feel arrogant and superior to others is because your mind is full of images of yourself that you have created egoistically. The same with progress in your life. Your mind dictates your progress or lack of it.

The only obstacle is self-imposed. The only obstacles are your beliefs, your attachment to your arrogance and to the ways things should be, the self-pity and jealousy you carry. You are the content of your mind, not more than this. You are not what you feel or you say you are. So, what is your mind’s content..?? Is it beliefs, culture and traditions, self-pity, doubt, arrogance, and endless nonsense about the supernatural?? Become aware of it, because whatever happens in your life, and whatever you experience, is what you attract due to your mind’s content. You become your mind’s content. This is for any of us, because any of us have the responsibility to remain aware of our minds at all times.

And now I want to present you with the latest video promo I made about the main character of this YA fantasy/mystery story I am writing. The BENJAMIN JONES series.

“BENJAMIN JONES. The Call of The Shaman,” #1 in the series, is already out and in Amazon. You can visit my website for more info:

So this is a little about Ben. As the main character of epic adventures, I thought he deserved a little introduction, since his story will make for several books to come.

And I have just gotten word that “BENJAMIN JONES. The Call of The Shaman,” is approved by Audible in its audiobook form, to be on sale in Audible, Amazon and iTunes in a few days. So maybe my narration of Ben’s story can reach the ears of people too.

His story commences here:



And this is the video titled: “WHO IS BENJAMIN JONES..??”…

Book reviews Business mind. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder.

Creative Dawn

What is the one thing that differentiates humans from other animals…??

What makes us unique…??

What allows for individuality and introspection??

When I think about these questions I can see how important the answer is.

And what is the answer…??

I choose to create because…

What makes possible everything in our lives…??

-In relationships, two persons planning unity and compromise.

-In envisioning a future outcome, a new possibility.

-In the ideas and insight to create, to innovate.

-In the intelligence to persevere and create a new path in life.

What is it that makes this possible…?? It is ‘imagination’: This wonderful phenomena is what betters our lives. Because this phenomena is what brings you the light of psychological expansion and freedom. Imagination goes hand in hand with great creativity, or it should; because all of us have great imagination, but not many of us great creativity. So, what’s the difference?? Why do some people have great creativity and others do not?? It is all starting with imagination. And like everything in life, imagination must be used, practiced, worked. Here’s a simple, but very direct example. What happens if you stay in bed or sitting and you don’t use your legs for a long time??

What happens is that your leg muscles lose strength, stamina; and so, it becomes truly difficult, and painful, whenever you get up to walk after such a long time. The same is with imagination. For it to be powerful, insightful, to bring intelligence and vision in your day-to-day life, it must be crafted and practiced to become great creativity. You must focus on something truly important and interesting to you, and craft, create, build your creativity. And this is not only reserved for artists, but it is reserved for anyone who seeks a better life, a better career, a better relationship, great lovemaking, great personality development, better mood and attitude, superb ideas and solutions for any stressful or serious problem you get in your life.

Everything becomes better, easier, more enjoyable with great creativity. This is because great creativity means an expansion of mind. Great creativity makes you more intuitive, more in touch with your fun side. Great creativity helps you become more easygoing, relaxed, able to see beyond the flaws and weaknesses of others, even of yourself so you gain more confidence. Imagine yourself laughing at your problems, in your relationship, in your job, in your life in general. This laughing means that your mind is not stressed, anxious, frustrated; therefore, you can now be more relaxed, and find better solutions, and be more flexible to see beyond this problem.

Imagine you let go of focusing on the flaws and things you do not like about your significant other. This means you let go of judging the other person, and now you are more centered in the best qualities of the other person. This also makes you more enjoyable, more attractive in all aspects–being mentally, emotionally, physically. And what about your moods and personality. Great creativity also allows you to access easily a more positive persona and attitude. And now you see life with different eyes, love and happiness are more attainable, and you easily choose how to feel in certain situations which might otherwise stress you and make you upset.

And now…

-We all keep great darkness inside…

-We all battle great darkness daily…

-We all have demons with which we struggle…

-But what really matters in life is what we do with these. It is about how we use and transform that darkness, those demons…

I am an author. And I create my own book trailers as well. Please check out my latest

Here’s the 1st book trailer for “The Return of The Gods.” #2 in the series BENJAMIN JONES. I am about finish writing this one:

And if you enjoyed it, then begin the journey. Get “The Call of The Shaman,” #1 in the series, here:

Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder.


The aura is just the different levels of self-transformation, the different levels of energy intensity. What are you doing to transform yourself…??

So, auras. What are they…?? Plain and simple explanation. No average, fantastical explanation. It is just the intensity of the energy inside your atoms. The intensity is the purity of this energy. The intensity or purity glows and goes through all the tissues, it moves outwardly. And, through intuition, people can feel the glow of another as a strong aura through skin and all tissues. So, we all have what we call auras, because we all have energy; and all energy radiates or glows, even at a molecular level. But what about great auras, great intensity of energy…?? Most people do not have this, because this requires ever more awakening, enlightenment.

This requires good nutrition of body and mind. This also requires individuality and great moral character. Great moral character goes hand in hand with the essence of true love, the essence of deep intuition. You must be creative and open-minded. Creativity and open-mindedness liberates the mind from the ego. You must be honest with yourself and with others, no exceptions. You mustn’t wallow in self-pity and doubt either. Without this, the intensity and purity of the energy inside your cells (your aura) decreases and becomes polluted, you attract negative people and experiences, and your mind becomes dull and of small understanding in life.

Have you ever come in contact with people who bullies others, who is greedy and shady in their dealings, and drinks lots of alcohol, and that smokes, and does drugs, and has other really self-damaging addictions…?? They do not attract. They repel. Why?? Because their characters, their self-love, their moral values, their self-transformation has dwindled or disappeared completely. The energy that they are has become polluted. And this can easily be felt, perhaps not understood at first glance; but people tend to notice how repellent or repulsive these persons are. I’m not here to judge. I’m just here to bring awareness, so maybe self-transformation is truly understood. With self-transformation one changes in all aspects in life, and this attracts good things otherwise can never be attracted if pollution remains.

Thanks for reading. Below is the book trailer of my YA fantasy/mystery novel titled “BENJAMIN JONES – The Call of The Shaman.” This one is #1 in the series, where it all begins. Please check it out and see if the story seems interesting to you:

If you liked it, get “The Call of The Shaman here”:

On my next blogpost, I will be sharing the new book trailer I just finished for #2 in the series. This one is titled “BENJAMIN JONES – The Return of The Gods”…

Book reviews Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Magic in the pages


“If you’re looking for an epic quest with danger, creatures, great magic, come seek the orb with Benjamin Jones.” ~ J. Grant.

I wanted to bring real awakening and fantasy together. My purpose is to entertain and create new worlds, new epic adventures which make us dream and ponder the unknown; but also my purpose is to bring to the light many hidden things in life, help with guidance, and go in deep into a self-realization in each of us.

Please check out the new video for my #1 in the series:  “BENJAMIN JONES.  The Call of The Shaman.” 

Get it on Amazon:

#2 “BENJAMIN JONES – The Return of The Gods” is coming soon.


Anatomy and physiology of life Book reviews Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

Live with passion.

That which gives you passion, fills you with joy, and makes you a better, more talented human being. Follow that.

Why is it that most people tend to use the excuse of not having time…??

Sometimes excuses are just fears that we keep on feeding while time passes by.

Life runs forward without asking if we are comfortable, or if we need more time, or if we may change choices to have advantage on the outcomes. And putting excuses only hurts our opportunities as we live. One must follow what is true, not what gives us quick satisfaction and sure wins; but the secret is in following your heart, not your head. And how do you do this…?? By doing what’s right for you. By seeking to better yourself, making yourself stronger, more decent, more talented. It is about following something which helps you become more confident, more proud of your strengths and character.

Sometimes one says “I do not have time,” or “I’ll do it next time.” But quite often these are just excuses, perhaps out of fear of failure, maybe out of disinterest, or could be that one is used to laziness. But, truth is, whoever really believes in something, or if you feel truly passionate about something, then you’ll make time. Life is not about excuses. This life is about moving forward, experiencing change, getting better; and you can only progress in this if you commit to something truly important for you. Whatever that is, take it seriously, make plans in your head, and step by step work to build more and more. Little by little. Without excuses. With heart and commitment.

And for this, you must become patient. No one attains anything truly great without patience. Patience is self-discipline. Patience gives you the character and inner strength to wait and work intelligently towards building a better life. Remind yourself that life must give you joy, so the process of building your future must also give you joy and strength to keep going. This means that you must choose something important for you, no matter what others say. Choose whatever fills your heart and mind with passion, such passion must make you a better person. There is fleeting, bursting, not committed passion; and I’m not talking about this, of course. But use your mind, envision the future, think about what your pursuit will get you and what kind of a person you will become.

And if you like YA fantasy/mystery, you can’t miss my novel “BENJAMIN JONES – The Call of The Shaman.” The first in the series BENJAMIN JONES. This is an epic adventure, similar in style to “Percy Jackson” and Harry Potter” and a tad of “The Lord of The rings.”

This is some of what people are saying in their reviews:

“A story of a young 12 years old orphan boy who get guided by Indian Spiritual Guru Adit Acharya. Being Indian, I got attached with the story easily. Story line is very good. Lot of things to learn. Author Asa Rodriguez has written very good life quotes on True Love. The story is very much inspiring. I recommend this book to youngsters as adults.” ~ Ashish Jain.

“I loved the Percy Jackson feel of this quest, full of memorable monsters and an interesting mythology! If you’re looking for an epic quest packed with danger, creatures, magic, and great characters, come seek the orb with Benjamin Jones.” ~ J. Grant.

Anatomy and physiology of life Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

To stay in love…

Love can be difficult at times. Why??

Why does people turn to suicide??

Why can someone fall into great depression for a long time, even bringing down the immune system??

So, love. Love this. Love that. We can say that it is full of concepts. “Jealousy love.” “Angry love.” “Anxious love.” “Obsession love.” “Frustrated love.” And all the “loves” the mind interprets, right…?? But surely you can understand that these concepts are deviations, corruptions of our minds. Because if love is to be the greatest thing in life, in existence, then love cannot be these aforementioned. And love is the greatest thing in life indeed. Think about it. Love is a connection to life. It must inspire you. It must help you become confident, moral, strong in your own life.

So, if someone is to find true love without deviations and concepts, then this someone must get out from his head. Your mind overthinks everything. Love is distorted in this thinking. So, thinking, as tempting as it can be, to judge, to interpret things, to analyze this and that, doesn’t do much good if you seek to be in love. People kill themselves from overthinking in life. Suicide, depression, OCD, anxiety of all kind. Most mental illnesses exist because people overthinks and allows themselves to make concepts in life and in love. Can you see this?? Because it is extremely important. It’s not about being a doctor or about having lots of experience, but it is about leaving your concepts and think for a second about what I write here.

And I am not talking about the concept of romantic love, friendship, or some philosophy; but I am talking about true love. True love is that sensation of morality and goodness in you. And that feeling of positivity and strength in you. This love is about your everyday living, not relationships. No depression. No overthinking. No anxiety. Just love. Just being. If things don’t go as expected in life, don’t depress yourself, don’t pity yourself; but seek hard in you for some positivity. Stop overthinking and analyzing things to death. Life is to be lived. Do your best. But don’t let your mind bring you down, your immune system and all you are. So, you simply give love to life. Every day. You give your best and move on. Don’t think too much. Let it be.

Thanks for reading. And here are some good book promos for you:

Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Without chains…

So, to know yourself is knowing your subconscious mind and how it operates. To know yourself is to understand all the bias and wrong information that once entered your subconscious and stayed there, and that now has transferred to your conscious and rules the way you think and behave. Not knowing yourself brings division, suffering, jealousy, hatred, and all negative outcomes to your life. Knowing yourself gives you freedom from all these.

Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

The secret

Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

How unique are you…??

-How unique are you…?? And what if our love wasn’t just a passing fad?? What if our devotion could be timeless, not held prisoner by mood swings, not held prisoner by overwhelming passions, not best suited for moments of joy and prosperity alone??

Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder.


Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!


There is no failure

Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. The free mind of a human god!

Self-care 101

Book reviews Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

My AI Book Covers

Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

The Doom & Gloom

Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

To feel lonely…

So, if you do struggle for it daily, then it means you really don’t know what it is, which means you do not know or even understand yourself beyond the petty desires of your own mind. But you are not alone. 98% of the world is in the rat race with you as well.