Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

Give your best

Seek that feeling of accomplishment

Push yourself to give your best. Make sure at the end of the day, as you go to sleep, that you feel proud of the work you did. Life is really about nurturing this feeling. It took me a long time to truly understand this, but it is real because all that really matters is how you feel about your work.

Knowing that you are giving your best in your creative process, in your career, in your job, in your relationship, and in whatever it is. Even if things do not go as you planned, just having that safety and accomplished feeling inside you knowing that you did your best. This is what we all want.

Just do your best and let the rest go

So, please, do not let yourself be troubled if life is tough right now, or if nothing seems to be working at the moment. Keep pushing, but do it always giving your best and knowing that you are confident in yourself. Let all overthinking, overanalyzing and judging go.

Don’t allow yourself to be full of doubts and fears, just make sure you are certain you did your best. Doing your best builds a strong character. Doing your best speaks of your self-discipline and professionalism. And this, with patience, leads to great life success in general.


By thegodwithinblog

“Limitations live in our minds, but if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” ~Jamie Paolinetti; writer and director.

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