Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Letting go…


What is it which you seek to understand…??  Why do you always want that control…??–to always know everything, to always fix everything.  Can’t you see that freedom from all your pain, from all your problems, is in letting go…??

Your ego is not master of your house, only the moment is, the Now; thus, you must stop all thought and overthinking, allow the past to stay in the past, and you embrace the moment.  No pain or suffering, no confusion or frustration lives in the moment.  The heart lives in the moment.  Love lives in the moment.  And whatever lives in the mind, in the ego, as a thought or image, whether nice or not, is of time and space, chained to moods, likes and dislikes.  Whatever the mind can tell you is memories, knowledge, beliefs, deceits; and that is why the mind and overthinking is addictive, and such addiction is misery, is more thinking, is more slavery, is continuous attachment, is not letting go…

Letting go…

Whatever I know is what confuses me,
Whatever I seek is what escapes me,
Whoever I am is far beyond knowing;
My ego’s identity is always overflowing.
When my beliefs and fears arise I am not,
When words are appearing I am caught.
Why should I follow this false name…??
The vapors of the careless mind to blame.
The mind is misery away from a pure heart;
The process of letting go is the soul’s art
Through patience and faith I find me there,
And if I pay full attention love is everywhere.

Letting go is to be highly aware of your memories and all thinking, to be aware of your own ego and its ignorant activities, to not dwell on hurt.  You do not escape from memories, from thoughts, but you do not dwell and overthink either.  Why…??  Because you love yourself so much that you shall not allow an undisciplined mind to ruin your mood and depress you, but you allow love to expand in you by focusing on living the moment with joy and ideas to better your future.


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Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Darkest Magic.


What is fear for you…??  Do you allow it to rule over your daily thinking…??  How do you personally deal with it…??

Fear is a concoction of the mind, like time, like pleasure, like pain, like sadness, like feeling worthless and alone; albeit very real to us, often necessary all of them, but only as real as we allow them to be.  The mind is your world, everything you experience daily is indeed your mind.  Now, the mind can be your greatest ally or your most cruel enemy; fear can consume you slowly and destroy you or it can help you see your truest potential in life and make you stronger and wiser. 
If fear becomes an addiction though and it is always summoned in your mind as images of what might happen, sadly your entire body will feel its low and crippling vibrations, and instead of learning and becoming better you will sink into depression and feel inadequate at various levels–perhaps even suicide might creep in the mind.  So, can you see how the production and lingering of fear can kill you emotionally, and even lead you to physical death…??

And for fear overthinking is the strength, because when you overthink something you are most of the time imagining with your intellect (your ego); thus fear and overthinking are allies, this is the ego ruling you at its maximum–from here you beget anger, jealousy, all violence against yourself and others, all prejudice, lack of confidence, competition in all aspects, and so and so forth.  Do you see yourself that fear gives rise to all these and more in your mind…?? 

And either fear or love can exist in your mind, not both at the same time.  This is the duality with which we live and with which we struggle every day.  Only the truly self-aware, at all times, individual has love in mind and so vanishes fear.  When fear seems to emerge, the self-aware individual recognizes it immediately and stops his mind from following these pernicious thoughts; and so, by this process he automatically expels fear and invites the strength that love brings into his mind–i.e., there is no overthinking in his mind at this point.  Without fear, the self-aware individual sees the world different, more colorful and positive, full of greater possibilities and less threats; and he becomes a magnet for better things because love is ruling in him, thus love vibrations emanate out into the world his greater capacities and attractive character.


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Anatomy and physiology of life Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder.

The Seashell.

Ever feel lonely and seek distractions out there, solutions to this nagging feeling…??  When the seeking is pointless, which you must see; for the seeking can only exacerbate the illness brooding in you, thus create more desire over and over again as it consumes your very soul–i.e., your sane rationality, your honest hopes, your vital dreams, your own affections…


The seashell.”

I found a seashell in the fair sands
Gleaming under the warmest light;
In it I found the whisper I thought lost,
In it I discovered what I had tossed.

The seeking had been the dark abyss,
It had polluted my soul in darkness;
I had lost myself in the empty desire
Of a capricious nature–indeed so dire.
O how barren what I saw in the world!
Loneliness, frustration, anger held me;
For I truly observed my own reflection,
So I cried all the time without affection.
But O how blind and lost in the senses!
You were there all along, patiently waiting,
Gleaming under the very warmest light,
Blessed by Divinity–such glorious sight.

I finally stopped the search and contemplated
The many tears in me–the suffering, the misery;
Whatever held me hostage was my choosing,
I stubborn was in my desire–how confusing!
There was no end to the allure of the rabble,
Empty words of romance and promises broken;
Society had me as I desired what they had,
But I saw through the vain deceit–I am glad!
And it was the friendship with my very tears
The one which liberated my trapped soul;
And it was the seashell found under the sun,
Yes, listened I the whisper–O misery undone!




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Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. The free mind of a human god!

Allow it to guide you…

You must realize what is really important in your life.  You must make a conscious decision between what your intellect tells you and what your heart tells you.  A good and prosperous life is not a life guided by intellect, but one guided by the empathy and understanding of your heart; thus, you must live and love untainted by the rigidity and vanity of the ego.

Be aware of the people around you who is decent and who desire the best for you, quite often not perfect but with a pure and honest heart; for these persons might not be well-educated or even have the same ideas, aspirations, and beliefs you have, but they may bring you the emotional drive you need in certain moments of struggle.

History is full of people whose vanity and pride was so big that they left behind their loved ones and the people who truly cared for them just to follow their egos and chase after superficial conquests–i.e., women, men, money, higher class, more hours at their job, etc. etc.  Sometimes what we chase is not better per se but pure vainglory, because we are trying to escape our own emptiness, insecurities, feelings of inferiority, and any fears perhaps from past memories.

Honesty is the best policy and so you must be honest with yourself, and make sure you surround yourself with the people that truly loves you and cares for your development; and no matter what happens learn to understand them and forgive their faults, because no one is perfect and we all need each other…  In a world which is so vain and superficial, where family, friendship, and love is just the second-class citizen, you must raise yourself above this and become a free and compassionate individual–i.e., remember what is truly important, be guided by your heart…



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Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

Realize your own stupidity.

The thoughts appearing in your consciousness like quick materializing vapors which seek your attention are not important, not even relevant, but the paramount transformation of your being is the process which comes right afterwards, which has all the relevance; that is, the thoughts you choose, mold, strengthen, and follow with your attention.   Attention is extremely powerful, and the most important tool you have; for with full attention you are able to focus on a particular idea and go somewhere, form relationships, create beautiful art, gain confidence and be happy.
Can you see how attention shapes you and brings everything to you, how it makes you great or it destroys you if misguided….??

And, of course, this attention must come then with your better choosing of thoughts, with your better judgement, as thoughts that do not serve you and elevate you should not be given attention, but just let them flow and disappear into the oblivion of your own psyche.  The mind, or its content of thoughts, tends to work mechanically, manically in a loop, conditioned and repeating the same old patterns; however, you must be highly aware of this in your own experience lest you start living in your own hell, flames which shall destroy your higher capacities as a human being.  And such hell by being trapped into the same self-defeating patterns of thinking, and so reliving the same fears over and over again without allowing yourself to learn better.

Why would you allow yourself to remain stuck in the same rut…??  Isn’t your life a continuous progress, a further reach into better things to come…??  And you create your life, you bring progress into your life, right…??–Or perhaps you are waiting for some god up in the skies to throw blessings at you, with your nonsense prayers and idiotic images of Buddha and Jesus.  Are you waiting for that then…??  Well, if you are, it is because you have yet to awaken from stupidity.  And it is stupidity what keeps you down and in the dream; that state of stupidity is the ignorance you won’t allow yourself to see.  This stupidity is your vain ego in mechanical mode working daily in you.  Become aware of it!



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Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

Into a better human being…

You try to change her.  She tries to change you.  Both resist each other, both are stubborn to love or both lack the greater understanding of love.  Resistance in the mind, in life in general, means there is fear, there is no acceptance, there is no understanding; furthermore, no relationship can really become strong, as One, as it should under the power of true love, if you cannot allow differences to enrich your very experience.  Differences give you tolerance, wisdom, a different perspective in life, and freedom from your own ego.

And if you cannot allow differences to enrich your experience, and thus make you wiser, vaster in knowledge, greater in understanding, more accepting, more loving, is because you let fear and its impositions build your “relationships” and not love.  Love is about freedom, which is freedom to be oneself; see, love only emanates love, it does not expect anything in return, because love is a concentrated force which is happy giving more and more.  Why try to change others…??  Why not practicing a deeper capacity for love which focuses on just the process of evolving this same love…??

The individual tries to change the world because he does not like it, because he pays more attention to the pain and suffering in the world he sees out there.  Everybody thinks like this.  Each person tries to change others.  But the illusion is in believing there is a world out there which is not you.  So there is never a change.  But the world is really inside you, so you change yourself.  Do not ignorantly chase the reflection you see out there and try to change it, because the reflection changes once you truly change yourself–you are the origin of the reflection. 

And this is the biggest relationship trouble, obstacle to happiness; everybody points a finger, every idiot believes there is an inferior person or an inferior world out there that they must change.  But, the opposite is true, in changing yourself you invite true love into your heart, and this love then grows in you and brings acceptance, truth, wisdom.  And as I personally know, this acceptance is what creates divine and wonderful relationships where you truly see the face of God as you evolve into a better human being.


“Happiness can exist only in acceptance.” ~ George Orwell; English novelist, essayist, journalist, and critic.


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Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

The demon.

She did not see it before, but now when she was alone she felt some torpid dullness about her, a confused state of her mind, a wretched condition of her soul.  Her soul wanting to become truly free from her captor; for she had changed for him and was not herself anymore, she was destitute of intelligence and reason, distanced from herself and from her normal activities and studies.  She was not her beautiful and free self anymore, the demon held her captive and she knew it…

The Demon.

The thick chains which my mind cannot see,
As it fills itself with his deceptions and vices;
Alas, energy depleted, freedom is not to be.
Can I even feel the desperation as it rises…??
First an angel of love then a demon of pain,
Allured by the most lovely sound in his voice;
For I had fallen ill, felt empty, I was not sane,
Trapped beauty and freedom below the noise.
He was living in death and I was living in life.
O, our vital energies were opposing poles!
Alas, taken by desire to be this demon’s wife.
But then one must dare see not flesh but souls.


There is always an emptiness brooding inside the human being, perhaps a dullness of our daily activities, maybe a sort of death or decay of our wits and creativity, because life is felt like a roller coaster to us–i.e., nothing is always bliss, moods change, time passes, aging sets in, impatience swallows the mind, etc. And the heart is always seeking more, an awakening, a greater life change, a better opportunity, a renaissance of daily living; but the ignorance of the human mind is always demanding and controlling, it is impatient, it overwhelms your heart, it veils your soul from complete clarity and freedom.

You must see this fact beyond looking.  You must not allow negativity, wrong people, rushing into unknown activities, etc., to overtake you; but you have to see your life through the fogs of your own lazy and corrupted demons…  Because it is in fact this very seeing that which shall give you freedom beyond your normal looking…
Demons do not hide under your bed, or in the darkness of the night even; but they hide in the darkest corners of your own mind.  Be aware of this all the time, and you become resilient and confident, strong and faithful in every situation.  Thus you remain in control.


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Business mind. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

God, The Devil, and your mind’s content.

Is the content of your mind always your choice…??  If you are not self-aware, can the content of your mind drive you to sheer insanity…??
God and The Devil exist, blissful Heaven and scorching Hell are at your doors, just waiting to possess you, ever stalking you without sleep; furthermore, they are designed by the powers of your mind, because your mind, whether you like it or not, consciously or subconsciously, is always absorbing data from your environment.  Your conscious state, your dream state, your memory state, your instinctual state, your intuitive state; these are all influenced by your environment, not only by what you choose to read or watch.

You are walking through a field with death bodies, horrors of war, blood all over, children hurt and crying under a cloudy sky; however, you cannot choose to block this out, you will experience sadness, anger, desperation in your mind, it will possess you, no matter your Enlightenment.  You are human, and this is very human; this terrible experience surfaces the Devil in you, your darkness, your misery as a human…  You are walking in a beautiful and vast ground, smelling the blooming flowers and fragrant grasses under the bluest and most magical sky; so, your mind will absorb this, you will leave your stress for a moment.  This is human and godly, and it reaches out for your divinity within, God and its bliss.

The point is that people tend to battle how they feel and what appears in their minds all the time, they deny either God or The Devil, thoughts of sadness or joy, bad or good thoughts.  Many times you cannot choose your environment, and your mind is already by nature made to absorb all your surroundings; but do not fight what enters your mind, this is pointless, it is trying to become, it is poison to yourself.  Instead allow your thoughts and feelings to flow without your resistance, choose what to follow, what to project and assimilate; but know and understand that your mind’s content is most of the time beyond your choosing, for you do not know what is going to happen around you all the time… 
So, be self-aware of the thoughts you follow, because this is what you will become, and you want to be alert, aware, sane; but allow your mind to be natural and absorb your environment as it is, do not punish yourself over what you see and hear…


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Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Demon and angel.

Demon and angel.
My demons overpowered me!  I felt as if I were taken by this strange rage, almost inhuman, lust for greed and revenge, such an emotional state I had never experienced before.  I felt lost, my hands trembled, my heart would try to escape my chest with extreme violence, my mind was a tornado of chaos and agitation where every logic had vanished and all freedom was reduced to a subtle and very weak voice…
Demon and angel.
I was not me!  Who was I…?!  And yet there was also an angel in me trying to soothe me, telling me something I couldn’t hear in the midst of the storm, and I felt this angel was part of who I was.  My two masks.  Fighting to be heard and possess me fully.  Two halves of me trying to surface from the very depths of my consciousness…  My two masks.  Frustration, anger, lust, greed, hate, envy.  My demons overpowered me!  They seem to know my weaknesses, as my own ego wallows and grows, fed by them, nurtured by them.  It happens when you ignore yourself for so long that you start to believe you are weak and chained to being this grotesque demon, this wretched soul…
Demon and angel.
As I went outside and screamed, I cursed the cloudy skies and this damned mask overwhelming me and my ideas, condemning my soul and sealing my fate.  Who was I…?!  And yet, this beautiful voice kept whispering between my angry and chaotic thoughts.  I fell on my knees trembling and crying, exhausted and feeling my head ready to explode; too much thinking and questioning, too much stupid fighting and pointless hating.  And the whisper came to me, and it brought a light I had never experienced before, and my conscience became aware of my own faults; for she was there, the angel in me calming the beast… 
Demon and angel.
And then, illumination came, I realized that my two masks, the demon and the angel, were just inventions of my sheer ignorance, of my vain ego; and that in choosing one or the other I am not whole anymore and great suffering takes me hostage..  My two masks…

When you choose one or the other, you are negating one and welcoming the other; furthermore, it is your vain ego which chooses based on what it is expected, on what others have said, on a selfish desire.  To be whole is to accept yourself as you are entirely, use all your energies to build the new, which is being an individual and creating yourself.



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Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Your vibrations…

You are made of vibrations.  Your experiences are made of vibrations.  The whole world is made of vibrations.  So, it is vital for us to understand that because we are vibrations, then it is all about lower and higher vibrations, or it is all about the “manipulation” or management of these vibrations:  The lower the vibration, the less spiritually awake we are, thus the less love and happiness we are able to experience.  The higher the vibration, the more spiritually awake we are, thus the more love and happiness we are able to experience…  Can you see this yourself…??
Humans are more complex beings, right…??  Animals and nature in general can access easier the management of their vibrations, they are more in tune with their godly states–i.e., less knowledge and intelligence means more innocence and simplicity.  But we humans eat everything, go everywhere, create hell or heaven, read, have more intricate languages, our egos are much more poisonous, etc. etc.
And for that reason, we must be highly self-aware of the management of our vibrations; and so, you can see the turmoil and stupidity of the world we have made, because most of us do not know, or even ignore, the better management of our own vibrations–in health of body and mind, in thinking patterns, in words or language, in behaviors, in all emotional understanding.  Much discipline is lacking in the common individual, is it not…??

So, in your daily living become self-aware, lead yourself to higher vibrations in order to be absolute and enjoy wholeness; but do not seek excuses because of age, culture, race, origin, gender, health.  Excuses are just stupid and pointless, you are just lying to yourself; for no matter what your situation is in life, you can always be self-aware and manage yourself to higher vibrations…  It all starts in your mind…

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind.  If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”  ~ Buddha.



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