Anatomy and physiology of life Business mind. Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

The Way of The Warrior.

“To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true.” ~ Aristotle.

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.  Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” ~ Marcus Aurelius.

                                                        The Way of The Warrior

One cannot simply survive and each day hope for the best without altering what one does, but one must do anew, change one’s actions, change one’s ideas, become a warrior in one’s own life. To see life with different eyes, fresh eyes, such eyes that are not exhausted by stubborn views and oppressing situations; therefore, a new breath must bring a fresh start, which means boldly gather yourself and keep making yourself better without stopping to self-pity or to entertain the opinions of others.

Opinions are never facts for the warrior who is wise and based on truth, so opinions do not shake him one bit when the fools of the world open their mouths to spew their ego-centered garbage.

When everyone else sees darkness and chaos, you must see light and order; thus, your mind becomes the mind of a warrior whose only purpose is the truth.  And the truth is that which lies within yourself, and the truth is what makes the warrior because self-love is the truth; then, whenever you see lies and deceit in the world, whenever people and situations try to pressure you into lying to yourself, into deviating from your own path, your mind will be strong and firm upon the truth which is deep within you.

This is what separates the warrior who sees and knows the light from the individual who only survives in the darkness because he does not see and know the light in himself; thus, the warrior is never lost, and the individual in darkness is lost even until physical death comes to claim him, and when that happens the fool has lost his time.


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Business mind. Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

Higher standards.

“You can’t please everyone. When you’re too focused on living up to other people’s standards, you aren’t spending enough time raising your own. Some people may whisper, complain and judge. But for the most part, it’s all in your head. People care less about your actions than you think. Why? They have their own problems!” ~ Kris Carr; American health author, wellness activist, and cancer survivor.

“Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards. When people ask me what really changed my life eight years ago, I tell them that absolutely the most important thin was changing what I demanded of myself. I wrote down all the things I would no longer accept in my life, all the things I would no longer tolerate, and all the things that I aspired to becoming.” ~ Tony Robbins; American author, entrepreneur, philanthropist and life coach.

Most people in this world act like they do not like themselves, as they dumb themselves down for other people just to fit in with the fools of a group, whether family or friends, and as they engage in their own depressive thinking while putting themselves down in front of a mirror also; thus lowering their own standards to mediocrity and self-pity every day more and more.


They are like beggars asking for love and attention, mistreating themselves and belittling themselves and their lives; consequently, this shrinks the human mind and brings all sorts of distortions of reality.

And because you cannot see reality now, namely that you can do more and be more for yourself, you drown in your own ego while you distance yourself from all self-love which can help you experience all happiness.

There is no more love you can have towards yourself than self-respect, because this self-respect creates mighty confidence and strength from within so you can say no to lower standards in the world, so you can raise yourself above those negative thoughts you may have and the inferior influence from people around you.


So, remind yourself that self-discipline in this is to love yourself and care enough to create the greatest life for you.  Worry and work on yourself, do not listen to others.  You are THE ONLY creator of your life.

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Business mind. Self-help life truths.


“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.  We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly.  We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”  ~ Aristotle.

“Confidence comes from discipline and training.”  ~ Robert Kiyosaki; American businessman and author.


Life is a never-ending, beautiful battle of strength and skill, where the strongest among us learn and progress and the weakest among us keep committing the same error and remain always in the same condition. Training your mind, your talents, your character, then is the wealth of the wise and the path to all achievement–i.e., spiritual, physical, financial.


And it is extremely important for the individual and also collective human evolution that we adapt and transform from the inside out, through self-discipline and patience we can then become what we desire with a pure and noble heart.

But do not follow a mere desire popping up in your mind, such desires are fleeting passions and do not carry the emotional strength to drive you daily to your goal. 

Follow instead a desire which is nourished daily with patience and clear understanding of a goal, that then transforms you emotionally and endows you with the determination to overcome time, and so persevere through anything, through any obstacle



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Self-help life truths. The free mind of a human god!

The Key to Every Door.

“The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.”  ~ Blake Lively; American actress.

Life throws obstacles and challenges at us to help us grow, because that is the purpose of being here: To elevate our minds and become better human beings through rich experiences (good and not so good experiences, they are all meant to teach us something).  But the reality of our lives is that most people, because of their childhoods or really traumatizing experiences they go through, are not feeling really confident to better themselves and face those challenges head-on.

And here is the most important tip I can give you to be confident, which I use myself every day and really works like real magic:  Watch your Self-Talk.


“Be confident”

Confidence is not about your talents, or your intelligence, or your job, or even your education.  From personal experience, I know confidence is energy from Infinite Intelligence, some may call it divine.  See, confidence is in what you tell yourself everyday, the self-talks you have in your own head.  If you are always complaining about your life, about yourself, allowing your attention to go towards your flaws and what you do wrong, then, chances are you won’t develop confidence.  Because your self becomes your enemy, self-confidence won’t be permitted to reach you.
To develop confidence, you must embrace yourself, love every part of you inner self; therefore, accept your flaws, work on them, but DO NOT let your attention remain upon your weaknesses or flaws, for this will distance your mind from your inner self, and soon this becomes the opposite of self-love.

Also, this may sound silly, because most of the time we see ourselves as a tiny grain of sand in the whole vastness of Creation; however, I always tell myself that the energy inside each atom that makes me physically is the same exact energy which makes black holes, planets, and all phenomena. I suggest you remind yourself just that, because the power and confidence lies in the energy you have within you.

You cannot see this energy but it is there, if you persevere on your goals, if you respect yourself and watch what you tell yourself in any situation, then, confidence will become part of your everyday life. You will walk tall and mighty in this world, because now you developed confidence in your self, self-confidence.


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The free mind of a human god!

The LION roars!!!

“Believe in yourself!  Have faith in your abilities!  Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”  ~ Norman Vincent Peale; American minister and motivational author.


What is blocking you from being the BEST you can be…?? Why aren’t you the motivated beast I know you are deep inside…?? Is it because you are shy? Is it because you have negative people around you? Is it because you have negative self-talks?
If you want to achieve success in all you do, if you want bliss at every moment in your life, you MUST find it within you to be your very best and stop looking at others and becoming self-conscious, which is mental torture to your very self and a damaging way of keeping yourself down.
God’s Nature is where you should find motivation, God’s perfection is where you find true strength. It is certainly where I have found my motivation and strength.
All of us, absolutely all, have a strength similar to a lion’s: See, the lion is king, nobody moves an inch when he appears, the lion roars and others shrink, the lion controls his rebellious emotions, his wayward thoughts, the lion knows…


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