Business mind. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

Cosmic forces

Ying & Yang

Health. Higher self-awareness. A strengthened spirit. Or Ying Yang balance. Two opposite forces or cosmic energies that complement each other and that live within us all.

Let’s just say what makes us human. It is our duality. The voices of negativity in your head. The voices of positivity in your head. Or as religion’s imagination goes: Angels and Demons, God and The Devil.

Positive & Negative

So, when we allow the forces of negativity to totally consume the way we think, we become filled with self-pity, with jealousy, with feelings of worthlessness and anger–all which leads us to physical illness.

And when we allow the forces of positivity to totally consume the way we think, we become overconfident, we lose connection with the pain and suffering of the world, we start to become naïve and emotionally swindled or controlled by others.

That is why to reach a balance in our lives, and in ourselves, is so important.

Excellence is reaching balance

So, from my experience, I thought about sharing some important benefits of reaching a healthy balance between the two:

-Inner peace and finding that true love for yourself (identity).

-Reduced anxiety, which leads to greater intelligence and creativity.

-Improved intuition, which guides you in life to make less fatal mistakes.

-Understanding your life’s true purpose, which leads you to find your true happiness.

So, how are you feeling with your life…?? Are you reaching that balance??