Poetry and prose from the heart. Self-help life truths. Stories to ponder. The free mind of a human god!

What is a desire??

So I desire you, but beyond desire.

This longing. This need. This urge. This impulse. This passion that burns in me. It can be blinding. It can distort my reality and make me selfish.

It is a burden on my day. A constant itch that makes me impatient. A thing in my mind which makes me attached to what is not mine.

So, I analyze the sweltering passion in this desire. So, I become the watcher of my longing. What is it?? The surface. The smoothness and ruggedness of the thought material.

The muse of my dreams and nightmares. And the muse is beautiful, like a perfect scented flower. And the muse is deceitful, like a controlling lover.

But beyond my desire’s surface I find its very material, its core, its love’s essence. Why do I love it?? Why do I want it so?? It speaks to me. But only when I discover it.

This essence I love, I cannot live without, is the ocean of my existence. And I am my existence, am I not?? I’ve discovered my own existence, which my mind chooses to call desire when it points to you.

So I desire you, but beyond desire.